Noonbarra Roy III X Noonbarra Kay
Born 11th December 2004
Owned by Kellie Adams. Melbourne.
"Zing has become a wonderful dog" |
went to Shane and Kellie in Melbourne. Kellie is a primary school teacher and
took Zing off to meet the children. We were very surprised and delighted to
receive in the mail a beautifully presentation of 'Zing's First Day at School'.
All the children had written a page about Zing and there was a photo on each page. It was so nice to get such a nice presentation and feedback on Zing's progress. We are very appreciative of the work and effort that went into the presentation folder and we would like to thank the class at Altona Primary School.
Below we have included just a couple of pieces that the class wrote about Noonbarra Zing.
"When Zing came, everyone was excited and was trying to pat her. Zing has tan and black fur and ears that go high up. Zing was playing with Ms Adams shoe lace and wouldn't let go. Zing had this toy bone that she was playing with and when you held it up high she jumped and tried to get it." Lauren and Alannah
"When we got into class we sat in a circle and played with her. After a while we went outside and played in the oval. Zing looks like Eddie. He was my old dog. ..Then we had to go to P.E. and Zing went home. She is very cute. - Nelle
We saw Zing when we walked in this morning. Everyone went up to her. She was like a new student. -Jayden and Badr
"Miss Adams took off Zing's leach and Zing was running around. Mr. Mc Call's class was playing soccer on the oval and Zing went up to a boy and interrupted the soccer game. Then Zing went off and pooed on the grass. Then Miss D's class came on the oval to pat Zing and they all got a shot at patting her. Then we had to go to sport and we all said bye to Zing - Katerina and Melissa
Today Zing came to our class. In this picture I am holding Zing. She was jumping on me. She is very cute and soft. I got to hold her a few times. - Matthew
It was great when Zing came to our school and when she was running around the oval. We all ran around and gave her a pat. I thought it was funny when she was chewing on everyone's shoelaces. When Zing had to go, the grade was sad. - Tim and Alex.
Zing was very small and adored shoelaces. It seems Zing loves people and to jump around... We all hope to see Zing later in the year when she is a full grown Kelpie. - By Sophie
Zing is a very nice dog, but very cheeky. She is from the Kelpie family. Zing likes to chew on Ms Adams shoelaces and likes attention. - James and Josh
Noonbarra Zing - Superdog!
A super doghouse for a superdog!
Noonbarra Zing when she came to the Noonbarra Stud.
"She's walking well on and off the lead and has worked out what a rabbit is. We're trying to get Zing out quite a bit to meet people and to have lots of new experiences. We're taking Zing to the 'Million Paws Walk' in a few weeks time and we're sure she will love meeting all of the dogs. It will probably take us all day to walk the 7 km's as Zing will want to keep stopping and smell all the dogs. ... She certainly makes us laugh."
Noonbarra Zing on the back of the Ute
Zing has since moved with the family to New Zealand
"Hi there just a quick hello to let you know that zing is doing well.
"We took her boating a few weeks ago and she had a ball but wasn’t real happy until she was up front looking out the hatch. She’s still loving the beach and chasing sticks and is getting on well with my dads 7 month old lab. They have a ball playing together and she is also calming down a lot and isn’t the freak she once was. Zing is walking well on and off the lead but at times is a wee bit hard to get off the beach and at times can be a bit embarrassing with the sounds she makes when chasing sticks on the beach but all in all she's doing great but noticing the cold a bit
From kellie &shane
August 2007
Hi Mary and Stephen,
We were upset to hear the news about Stephen's cancer. We wish you the very
best of luck with your treatment, and hope you are feeling well soon.
Zing has become a wonderful dog. As a pup we were not sure that we had made the
right decision because she was so stubborn and definitely had a mind of her
own. In the last year we have really noticed how grown up she has become. You
were definitely right when you said she would be a great dog by the time she was
three years old.
Zing loves it in New Zealand, and her favourite place is the beach. She is not
a big swimmer, but she likes to wander out into the shallow water. Zing is
obsessed with sticks, and most of the time she will have a stick in her
mouth (or be attacking it - people are often scared to come near her on the
beach because of the noises she makes while playing with her sticks). She also
loves fires, especially when there are sparks coming from it - she
could spend hours chasing the sparks.
Hope you enjoy the photos,
Bye for now,
Kellie, Shane and Zing.
Zing at the beach with Heidi
Noonbarra Zing
Noonbarra Zing loves sticks
Zing at the beach
Zing is good with pets
Noonbarra Roy III X Noonbarra Meg II
Red & Tan Male Born: 18th March 2005
Owned by Ron & Heather Diamond of Mt. Pleasant Victoria.
Hi Mary &
Stephen, It’s hard to believe that ‘Bob’ has been with us for only 7 weeks. He
has fitted into the household wonderfully. We couldn’t image life with out him.
Bob is a great thinking dog; his training is coming along lovely. Nothing major of course, but lots of solid foundations being laid. I must say the booklet that you put together was the best I have ever come across. The information on the training side of Kelpies was extremely helpful, which did assist me in changing a few of the basic requirements around and ensuring solid stays where introduced a lot earlier than I would have normally.
Hannah and Jack just adore him and have been wonderful. To my surprise they have willing helped in all areas of Bob life. Their proudest time being graduates at Puppy Preschool, they both where allowed to gradate and do their 5 minutes of parade, showing everyone what training exercise they could do with Bob, Hannah received a much surprised standing applause for her and Bob’s Stand for examination.
He is working well for both of them walking on a loose lead, sitting, dropping, standing, recall, a round’s and outs, ready – set –go, Loves going through tunnels for them.
Pip [The other dog] hated him for the first 4 weeks, but Bob never gave up trying to win him over. Now they play together and get along fine. I must admit though that I was starting to stress, I thought that Pip would have come around a lot quicker. It was a great relief to run into Noonbarra Atilla and his Mum. They where competing at a trial in Melbourne and her experience of her dog fitting in was fitting the same time frame, so that was a great relief.
The only bad thing they have taught him and I’m having a hard time overriding their play is fetch. Jack and Hannah have taught him that they throw the toy he gets the toy and then they chase him around the house trying to get it back.. They think he’s smarter than Pip because he sits faster than Pip and responds to all 90% of their commands (Pip chooses to ignore them). They are currently rotating lessons - week about at dog club and are both very pleased to be out and about showing Bob off and all their skills. This weeks new trick they showed the class was Bob speaking on command. They have also got in and help with the boring stuff, feeding toilet training, cleaning up his mess (pulls all the stuffing out of his toys) so we have to vacuum twice a day. They ensure he’s walked and toilet, when we attend dog related events and it’s even most amazing to myself, that when I go to attend to Bob, one of them has already done it.
I changed Bob’s food and we are both shocked at the huge difference in his appearance, his colour deep end starting at his bottom and working up to the head. It’s extremely glossy and a deep, deep brown. He looks very striking.
Thank you and we’ll keep you posted on Bob’s progress.
Cheers Heather, Ron, Hannah & Jack. ( Pip & Bob)
(Noonbarra Max X Noonbarra Amy)
Born: 27th May 2005
Mary &
Just a short note to let you know that the 5.5 hour trip home yesterday was completely uneventful – Gus slept for 98% of the time at Helen’s feet; he was unsure of himself for the remaining 2%.
Unfortunately Stephen was a little inaccurate when he suggested that it may take Gus a day or two to settle in to his new surroundings – it only took him around 45 minutes to become a real puppy after we arrived home! He has started on the ant hunt and has checked out all the vegetation in the yard. This morning he woke around 6am and played until after 9:30 before deciding it was nap time…He is bonding beautifully and follows both Helen and I where ever we go.
August 2005
"He is turning out to be a fantastic and loving dog – all at 13 weeks of age. He follows us everywhere, through the paddocks, down the road etc. He gets very upset when either of us goes out in the car without him. He has been meeting numerous other dogs and people and now greets all in an appropriate manner. His best friend is a very large mixed breed “pig” dog possessed by the non-resident owner of the block next door. This dog weighs around 50kg and Gus has to climb the 4 steps to our back verandah to be at eye level with him when he is at ground level – it is an amazing sight and they are the best of mates after having been “formally” introduced. The pig dog jumps all gates & fences to get to Gus and play.
You will see from the pictures that Gus has worked out the only way to attempt to secure a soccer ball in play (too large for the teeth) is to sit on it – very clever!
He has started puppy “kindergarten” and has to be the best adjusted dog present – does not want to be on the lead but is calm and friendly when off it. He sits well at the command and is sleeping inside beside the fire every night – in fact he gets very upset if he is not allowed in by 7:30 pm and when allowed in he goes straight to his very own rug & lies down. Toilet training has been excellent with only 3 mishaps, all due to human error/inattention.
He has enjoyed our cows and has made friends with a calf 4 weeks older than him!! I have only let him near the horses on a lead at this stage, but he seems to be inquisitive particularly around the kicking end!
Many thanks for the wonderful pup. Regards
Peter & Helen Goodwin
(Noonbarra Roy III X Noonbarra Megan)
Born: 27th May 2005
Owned by Sue Braithwaite
Billee was the sweetest pup
in the litter. He is very gentle and easy going with the desire to be with you.
He seemed a perfect choice for Sue and Craig on the North Coast.
Oct 2006
"One day we hope to extend our family but we are not sure when the time would be right & whether Billee would prefer to remain an only child? He loves meeting other dogs - even if they are growling at him he still wants to make friends - he never ever shows any signs of aggression. . It would be nice though for him to have a playmate & someone to keep him company when we are not home. At some time we would like to get your advice on this one.
Billee is 16 months & 16.2kg, he is definitely more the smaller variety of kelpie but is as strong as an ox & athletic like his mum Megan.
Billee is a spoilt young man who never actually progressed to sleeping out in his own bedroom we had prepared for him on the back porch - he still & it seems will forever be sharing our bedroom in his own bed beside ours. It does have its advantages as he is a backup alarm clock who presently awakes us at approx. 5.30am with firstly a vocalised yawn, a bit of a shake & then we know his on his way around to nuzzle us with his cold wet nose or like this morning for a change he tickled my face with his whiskers.
He's definitely an integral part of our family - he's our little darlin'. Of an evening when watching TV he lies down on the lounge with us & sleeps - unless of course the footy is on or if an animal of any kind makes an appearance then he's sitting up watching TV with us.
He especially
loves visitors - luckily any people we have visit are animal lovers because
Billee is in their face - he likes to make them feel welcome by leaving his toys
at their feet or sometimes on their lap persuading them to play with him & then
he is in his element - showing off by bouncing & prancing & spinning around with
his toy very cheekily then bringing it back to them to throw again. He is real
life entertainment of the sweetest variety. And of course he can't do this
quietly - he needs to make his presence heard - he is the most vocally
expressive dog we have ever had the pleasure of knowing. Its not that he barks a
lot its more like he is trying to express himself using different vocal
sounds. It would be nice to understand just what he's trying to convey.
You definitely picked the right dog for us - he is so easy to be around & everybody loves him. Our next door neighbour & my Mum have minded him on occasions & they both say he is a pleasure to have. He is generally so well behaved - he doesn't dig at all & does not touch things that aren't his. He was never the type to destroy & destruct like some pups. He's always had an abundance of toys & still has a rawhide chew most evenings which must help, but I think generally its just his nature - he very much wants to please & do the right thing.
We hope to visit some time in the near future & book in for a day of obedience training. At the moment he understands Sit, Down, Come, Stay, Wait there, Speak, Off, Shake hands, Heel & Go toilet - wees or number twos on command. Although we only ask for a no.2 if we're sure he is overdue). We never did get the Noonbarra down stay command happening - We wish we had because Bill is not reliable with Stay so we have to keep a close eye on him or he will break plus if he has the scent of something he will not respond to Come. Overall we are more than pleased with him - he is the most obedient dog we have ever had the pleasure of owning. He is such a clever boy - we are the ones that need the training so we can get the best from Bill.
Hope you enjoy the photos of our handsome young man , will definitely not leave it so long before we contact you next time.
Best Wishes, Sue, Craig & Billee
Noonbarra Billee with his friend, Paddington
Noonbarra Billee as a young dog
Noonbarra Billee as a pup in his new home
Noonbarra Billee when a puppy - making himself at home
(Noonbarra Max X Noonbarra Amy)
Female - Born: 27th May 2005
Owned by Rhys Turley
Rhys does Agility competition with his dogs and at one time was a Dog Sports manager. He had Banjo flown to him and when she arrived he phoned to say she was perfect and everything that he wanted!
"Hi Mary and Stephen, Well it was about time we gave you an update on Banjo's progress. As you can see from the photos she has grown so much, all legs and ears at the moment. She graduated with flying colours from puppy pre-school, she was a star student who wooed all the other owners with her ability to sniff out who had the best treats!
"She was used as a model at one class for a car harness, you should have seen her walking around with it on like she knew everyone was watching her! She has settled into our home really well, our other dog Jesse has put her in her place quite a few times when she has been a bit too rowdy for her. She really enjoys meeting other people, as well as other dogs, she's really gentle with the little dogs in the park. We are looking forward to starting her in obedience and pre-agility classes soon.
Bronwyn and Rhys.
This book is designed for good solid foundation training to ensure you get a well balanced, socialised and obedient Australian Working Kelpie.