If you ever have problems with your Kelpies wandering away from your property then here is an ideal solution. This is a special containment kit that will work on 5 acres. Kits for bigger areas are also available up to 25 acres. Let your dog run - not run away!

You install the transmitter by plugging it into a normal 240 v PowerPoint and then run the special wire out along an existing fence or 2 inches (5 cm) below the ground. You then put a containment field collar on your dog. When the dog approaches the boundary where the wire is the collar gives a warning. If the dog ignores it and continues to the boundary then he receives a harmless but effective low level static pulse. If he continues he will receive a harmless but unpleasant higher level stimulation. The field is done in such a way that a dog cannot dig under  or jump over it. Absolutely harmless to your dog. No outdoor posts, fences or transmitters to spoil your landscaping.

Small boundary flags are included in kit so your dog can learn where the boundary is when it is first put in. Most learn within a few days. The kit also includes an instruction video. Installation is designed for people with no experience and only requires three easy steps.

Smart Dog - SD-2000 Basic 5 acre kit ... Special low price .. $365 Plus $25 freight

Run through prevention. Visual wire break indicator. Battery operated collar. Water resistant collar.

SD2100 Basic 25 Acres Kit ..  Special low price .. $499   Plus $25 freight

Run through prevention. Battery back-up. Visual & audio alarm wire break indicator. Low Battery indicator. Rechargeable Collar. Water proof collar.

You can get more details on these products including a free download from

You can also use the Smart Dog system to block off areas such as gardens, swimming pools or anywhere else you don't want your dog to go. Extra Wire is also available separately in boundary kits





ScareCrow senses animals the same way security lights detect people; by movement and heat. Its best operating conditions are at night, the peak period of unwanted animal activity. When Scarecrow sees an animal it sprays a pulsating 3 second burst of water.

The Scarecrow has a 10 metre range and a 100 degree detection zone.

Just connect a garden hose and stake it in the ground.

CRO-101 Motion activated sprinkler - $139.00 Plus $15 freight.



The Cat & Dog Stop keeps cats and dogs out of your flower gardens, yard or anywhere you don't want them to be.

It's easy to use. Place the unit facing the area you want to protect. The built-in motion sensor detects the animal entering the area and emits a piercing, high decibel alarm. It startles the cat and frightens it away. Since the sound is ultrasonic you and your neighbours cannot hear it.

CAT-002 - Cat Stop ultrasonic pet repeller - $80.00 Plus $15 freight.