This is the latest edition of the popular DVD/video of the Kelpies in action from the Noonbarra Kelpie Stud. It is the first updated video we have put out since 2000. It features footage of our Noonbarra Kelpies dating back about 25 years or so, right up to 2007. All our major sires and brood bitches are shown. Ideal for Noonbarra customers living interstate or overseas.
We have gone all out with this edition and it is a long video, over one and a half hours. We figured it was better to put too much on than not enough. It should appeal to anyone interested in seeing working Kelpies to breeders wanting to see some reference Kelpies.
The video includes
commentary on the dogs as well as showing different aspects of
working on an Australian property. Including Droving work, Backing
and yard work, Kelpies as pets, Mustering, Sheepdog trials, Working
large mobs, Children and Kelpies, Paddock work. It features past
reference dogs, puppies working, famous Noonbarra Kelpies, and dogs
that have been sold overseas.
The Noonbarra Kelpie Stud is a well established working Stud breeding along their own proven Noonbarra bloodline. Breeders of State and National Australian Sheepdog Trial Champions and winners in Yard, Utility, Farm and Arena (3-Sheep) type trials. The Stud has had starring roles in films and TV as well as doing exhibitions throughout Australia.
Noonbarra Stud Kelpies have been used in more than 20 other Stud breeding establishments in Australia and overseas. They have been used for Cattle, Goat and Sheepwork as well as family companions, Agility and Obedience training.
Apart from the obvious working scenes we have added a lot of footage of our Kelpies interacting with strangers, at the Pet Expo and inside the house. We also have a section on puppies.
This video is well presented with a professional music soundtrack and voice over.
Please note: This is not a dog training DVD. It is a reference tape for the Noonbarra Kelpies and shows their ability and working conditions.
Only $15.00 ( Free post to anywhere in Australia)
This DVD is for all regions and is suitable for all DVD players anywhere in the world, running normal PAL format such as those in Australia, NZ, Britain, Ireland and most of Asia & Europe. Will play on computers and laptops as well.
In North America it can be played through any multi format DVD player that supports PAL format or through any computer/laptop that plays DVD’s. It will not play on a straight American NTSC TV. or through a computer connected to a NTSC TV.
"I received the tape today!!!!! SUCH FAST DELIVERY !!!!!THANKS..I know I told you to send it by slow boat buy I AM SO GLAD YOU DIDN'T !!!!! IT IS WONDERFUL !!! - Mel USA
"Got the video. I LOVE IT. Thanks so very much! - Helen and Noonbarra Cruiser
"One of my favorite sections was on Noonbarra Gabe, I dog I was fortunate to capture on my own home videos 9 years ago. What I did not capture was his development, which is delightfully recorded and shared on the Noonbarra tape. Additionally, the viewer gets to see Gabe in out takes from the film "No Worries", where he performs admirably.... Aside from the dog work, the shots of trials and open spaces and hundreds of sheep and happy pups make this a tape that can really be enjoyed repeatedly.
In closing, I would urge everybody who is interested in Kelpies to purchase this tape. Stephen and Mary have put together an informative, good-looking tape that, while justifiably promoting their stud, also promotes the Kelpie in general.... I give it 4.5 stars out of 5 Rush out and buy it! " - Bill Davis DVM with Noonbarra Tui (Written up on Kelpie Internet List)
"Recieved the video and took a quick look at it--impressive! ...The footage of Dusty on the video is awesome, and if she has any of her dad's characteristics that would be great! - Dana and Darla (Noonbarra Scamper)
"Received the video today, watched it all evening, poetry in motion, fantastic what a joy to watch such great dogs. I've never seen such young puppies work, 5 month old working a mob of 500, unreal. A friend called me while I was watching the video he asked what I was doing I told him I was watching a 5 month old Kelpie working 500 sheep, he said I've got to see that I told him he was welcome to." - Gary (Britain)
"To me this was the VERY FIRST time I saw (well trained) Kelpies in action." - Patrick with Noonbarra Keppe in Belgium
We have thoroughly enjoyed your stud video. The kids especially like the puppy part! Thanks for all your hard work. - Denise USA
"We have watched it about five times and also loaned it to friends. So it won't be very long before we wear it out. You have some very nice dogs." - Steve and Sharon
Hi, I've just received your video.....and I've already watched it's fantastic, I've never seen dogs working in the yard in the way yours do it, absolutely fantastic! Thanks a lot! -Riccardo Italy.
This is a new DVD – suitable for all regions around the world (Pal format)
This is the first ever DVD release of this past Kelpie Championship. The video has not been available for more than 10 years. It is very exciting to be able to see these old Kelpies at work. Many will be found in modern pedigrees. See the great dog handlers such as Malcolm Peake with his great champion, Barambogie Chance. Most thought Barambogie Chance would take the 1990 title but a sheep got his horn caught in the drafting race and the judge would not allow for it to be released except by the dog forcing. Malcolm decided to free it anyway and lost points for doing so. Malcolm got 2nd place in this trial but went on in 1992 to win the National for the 3rd time. He had already won back in 1981 and 1982.
There is also John Gedye with his famous Scoriochre Gunga. Everyone was disappointed for John. He and Scoriochre Gunga had put up a brilliant first score and were leading the field going into the final. Unfortunately a lot of little things went wrong and they scored only 3 points out of a 100 for the final.
Bill Luff, who is still trialling these days was at the top of his form to get two Kelpies of his own breeding, Cotway Queen and Cotway Joh into the National final. There is also Malcolm’s father, Bob Peake running his wonderful Kelpie, Orvale Brutus. Bob was well known for his loud style of working his dogs which was in stark contrast to his son, Malcolm. But Bob won many big trials and always had an excellent team of dogs. Andrew King was not well known at this time but made a big name for himself in the years following. Here he is running Kurleigh Stan.
Neil Mc Donald is also here. He was very well known with Kelpies in the 1980’s and early 1990’s. On this DVD he is running Wabba Kelp, a lovely Kelpie previously owned and trialled by the great triallist, Steve Weyman. We had last seen her in the 1986 National Kelpie Championship with Steve. Neil obviously put a lot of work into Kelp as she performed very nicely.
The 1990 Trial had competitors send their dogs out to gather up five sheep and bring them down to a set of portable stockyards. The casting peg also acted as a winding peg and they had to bring their sheep around the left side. Getting the sheep into the yards should have been very easy but many competitors found the sheep less than willing. Once the five sheep were in the yards the dog went to another section of the yards and had to work twenty sheep through a drenching race. The twenty sheep then joined up with the original five. This 25 sheep then had to be put through a drafting race and the first two and the last three had to be drafted off. Most competitors thought this was very difficult with these sheep and lost points.
This new five sheep were then released back into the the field. At this point most dogs had to be settled down again as they were excited by the forcing in the close yard work. The experienced, mature dogs tended to do better here. The first outside paddock obstacle was a Queensland Gap. A few handlers later said that it was more difficult to get these five sheep going through together than the usual three used in Arena Trials. The dog had to cover them a little more and the sheep didn’t turn in as well. Many handlers never got further than this first obstacle.
The second obstacle was a traditional Australian trial race and by this stage most dogs were steady again and didn’t encounter too many problems. The final obstacle was the pen. Only a few Kelpies were able to get through the entire course in the allotted 15 minute time.
This DVD has now new transitions and titles and voiceover and new cover etc. This is a must for Kelpie enthusiasts and especially those that want to see the famous old dogs or the great handlers. But it will also be of special interest to overseas Kelpie breeders who rarely get the chance to see Australian dogs and the types of trials we run here. The National Kelpie Championship is what we call a ‘Utility’ Trial or sometimes a ‘Field’ trial.
DVD is for all regions and is suitable for all DVD players running normal PAL format such as those in Australia, NZ, Britain, Ireland and most of Europe. In America and Canada it can be played through any multi format DVD player that supports PAL format or through any computer that plays DVD’s.
$20 (Plus free post anywhere in Australia)
Noonbarra Working Kelpie Stud
Mary and Stephen Bilson.
P.O. Box 1374, Orange NSW 2800, Australia
Ph 02-6366 0499
Customers can pay with PayPal,
(Paypal also accepts Visacard, & Mastercard.)
Personal Cheque, Cash, Direct Bank Deposit, or Moneyorder.
Customers can pay with PayPal, or a international bank check (cheque) in Australian Dollars or an international Money Order in Australian Dollars. We can only accept personal cheques or direct deposits from Australian banks.
Ph. 02- 6366 0499
After many years, this footage of the 1991 classic trial has finally been released on DVD. Rare footage shows some of the most influential Australian Working Kelpies of the day in this very exciting and unique Australian sheepdog trial. Champion Kelpies include Capree Watch, Phils Creek Sam, Chobi Mindy and Noonbarra Butch as well as some shorter footage of Glenlogie Lucky, Joes Pride, and many others. See the great dog handlers such as Steve Weyman who completely dominated the yard and utility trials through the 1980's and into the early 1990's. There is also Chris Stapleton who since his first big win with Capree Jag at the 1985 Nationals has been one of the most outstanding handlers in trials. There is also Michael Johnston from the Milburn stud and Jim Luce from the Coogee Stud.
This DVD video has now been digitalised and has added footage never seen before and new transitions and titles and voiceover and new cover etc. This is a must for Kelpie enthusiasts and especially those that want to see the famous old dogs or the great handlers. But it will also be of special interest to overseas Kelpie breeders that rarely get the chance to see Australian dogs and the types of trials we run here.
Now only $20 (plus free post anywhere in Australia)
DVD. (All Regions - PAL Format) .. $20.00
Postage anywhere in Australia is now free
This DVD is for all regions and is suitable for all DVD players anywhere in the world, running normal PAL format such as those in Australia, NZ, Britain, Ireland and most of Asia & Europe. Will play on computers and laptops as well.
In North America it can be played through any multi format DVD player that supports PAL format or through any computer/laptop that plays DVD’s. It will not play on a straight American NTSC TV. or through a computer connected to a NTSC TV.
We now accept PayPal
Also, Personal Cheque, Cash, Direct Bank Deposit, or Money-order.
Customers can pay with PayPal, [Paypal also handles Visa & Mastercard], or a international bank check (cheque) in Australian Dollars or an international Money Order in Australian Dollars (usually available from postal offices and Western Union). We can only accept personal cheques or direct deposits from Australian banks.
To send your DVD to you, we need your full postal address, including country and name.
Our PayPal account is (Please contact us when a Paypal payment has been made to avoid any delay in posting your purchases. Go to to make a purchase with Paypal. Paypal will automatically convert currencies and give you amounts in Australian dollars as well as your own currency.
All prices are in Australian dollars
Please send cheques, moneyorders etc to:
Mary & Stephen Bilson
Noonbarra Kelpie Stud
P.O. Box 1374, Orange NSW 2800
Ph. 02-6366 0499