This section has important information on the main Noonbarra Kelpies used by our Stud's Kelpie breeder program in recent times. Not all these Kelpies are currently being bred of course. Although we have always only run a small Stud, we have been going a very long time and our Noonbarra Kelpies have made a big reputation for themselves far beyond the number of dogs we breed each year. We are Kelpie breeders who have strived year after year to produce the best possible Kelpies and had great success.
We often only breed a small number of pups each year. We like to keep it a small family run Stud. We need to keep it so each pup can have complete individual care. It ensures each pup gets maximum socialising, training and assessment. But we are also breeding enough Kelpie pups to be able to assess the bloodlines and keep rigid checks on our matings and the progress of our breeding program.
are well known Kelpie breeders both here in Australia as well as overseas. We are one of
only a handful of 'Parent' Studs in Australia and our bloodlines
are used as foundation dogs and in the breeding programs of many other Studs.
Our Noonbarra Kelpies have also excelled in
Yard, Utility and Arena Sheepdog Trials. They have even won some of
Australia's top awards including National and State titles.
Our bloodlines were mainly developed from the great Kalari Basil (1959) and Kalari Joker (1958) and we have bred back to these two famous Working Kelpies very strongly and through their offspring such as the legendary Kelpies, Rockybar Buff, Liscannor Pace, and Chondo Doll. Today our Stud carries more Kalari Basil blood than any other Kelpies in the world.
As Kelpie breeders we have always had natural working ability as our main goal. One of our most important sires was Noonbarra Tim (1986). He was sired by the great Liscannor Pace and was also a great grandson of Liscannor Pace on his other side. He sired some of our best working dogs for many years. We then closely linebred him and produced two outstanding Kelpies in Noonbarra Prince and Noonbarra Gabe. Gabe (now deceased), proved himself to be an excellent sire for our Stud as well as a top worker and companion. We then linebred to him and produced some of the best Kelpies we have ever had. These days all our Stud Kelpies trace back to Noonbarra Tim & Noonbarra Gabe and of course further to Rockybar Buff and Kalari Basil..
In 1997, we lost our best sire ever in Noonbarra Gabe. His influence is still very important in our breeding program today. Noonbarra Gabe was the result of years of learning about bloodlines. His sire, Noonbarra Tim was one of our most influential sires and his sister, Noonbarra Tracey was also a wonderful Kelpie. She went to the Corvette Kelpie Stud. Noonbarra Tim had a great nature and loved everyone and thought everyone loved him. Like his dam Gayleen, he was always a very happy, outgoing dog.
We then mated Noonbarra Tim to Le Cliff Gabee. She was owned by Kerry & Shirley Drew who are now kelpie breeders in their right with their Alinta Stud. Gabee was a very special dog. She had amazing raw natural working ability and she was closely linebred to old Rockybar Buff and the Kalari Basil and Kalari Joker bloodlines. From this mating we only got two puppies, Noonbarra Gabe and Noonbarra Prince.
Gabe was Stephen's main companion dog and he had that same wonderful temperament that was very easy to love. He won and placed in a number of Sheepdog Trials including winning the handlers trial at the Australian National Utility Kelpie Championships in Tasmania 1991(Noonbarra Tina was 2nd), Yard Dog Championships, 2 sheep trials and numerous placings in other trials.
We stopped trialling him in early 1992, after Mary became sick and we scaled down our Stud activities. He was then still only 3 years old. We did however put him in a local sheepdog trial at Manildra in 1994 which he won with 94 points (without any training for two years). It is a disappointment that many people didn't see him as he matured into one of our best dogs ever. Noonbarra Gabe produced a lot of very good dogs for us including, Noonbarra Judy, Noonbarra Butch, Noonbarra Boris, Noonbarra Bonny, Noonbarra Boss II, Noonbarra Penny II, Noonbarra Gabby II, and many others. Noonbarra Judy went on to produce Noonbarra Dusty III and Noonbarra Flash, two of our best workers and sires.
Noonbarra Boss II was the sire of Noonbarra Valerie and Noonbarra Wendy. Noonbarra Prince was in later life, used over Noonbarra Judy & Noonbarra Valerie and produced some of our best pups ever. Prince was a full litter brother to Gabe, put over a daughter of Gabe (Noonbarra Judy) and Grand - Daughter of Gabe (Noonbarra Valerie). This is beautiful line breeding and the pups from both litters were very consistent and every single one a good natural worker. These pups carried over thirty infusions of the famous Kalari Basil genes.
NOONBARRA BROCK II Ameroo Ned X Noonbarra Emma
Red & tan Male Born: 17th September 2010
Noonbarra Brock
is a one of our older sires. He is by Ameroo Ned and Noonbarra Emma. He has been a really lovely dog to own. He was a superb dog right from a
puppy. Very easy to handle and adapted to new situations well. Always happy and
a devoted type. I would go as far to say he was the perfect puppy for us.
He has been a
real delight to own and train and makes the most wonderful companion. A dog who is
faithful, easy to train, friendly, wants to please and very intelligent. He
travels well, and adapts to new situations easily. His breeding goes back to
many of the great Kelpies in Australia. He has a great temperament and is a very
happy dog.
gives us very nice pups with wonderful temperaments, good with kids, and
versatile workers. Happy, friendly outgoing dogs suitable for family companions,
dog sports, trick training and sheepdog trials.
Brock is
not young anymore although he still looks really good. He has sired some
absolutely amazing pups for us and we have five of his offspring of different
ages in the stud.
He has a happy, friendly personality. He is a great mate to have around and is
quite gentle while still being a wonderful dog that doesn't get bothered by much
and adapts to new situations. Many of his pups have gone to family companion
situations and have been ideal for that purpose. He is a very faithful dog
himself and tends to produce that in his pups.
His work on
sheep is very good. Has good bounce in yards that he inherited from his dad, Ned
and he has lovely style in the field from his dam, Emma. Capable of any job.
His pedigree brings in fantastic old famous Kelpies like Phils Creek Nap, Capree
Cobb, Glenlogie Lucky, Hortons Squire, Avenpart Zondo and more. Good break-out,
point of balance and correct distance on sheep and a good strong approach that
tends to keep stubborn sheep moving freely. Nice power to force in races and
yards when required. Many of these these traits are difficult to obtain in
working dogs these days.
He loves to
come out in the car for a drive and we often take him with us to cafes or the
leash free dog park in nearby Orange. Sometimes he just goes for a ride and
doesn't get out at all, but he still enjoys the drive and being with us. He
walks very smoothly on a lead at your side with no pulling and at home is the
type of dog that just likes to quietly come up to us and get a pat and maybe a
scratch behind the ear and then he likes to sit at our feet.
As a sire,
Brock has been outstanding and produced us many first class pups. We have
Noonbarra Honey, Noonbarra Bindi and others here in the Stud.
Noonbarra Brock relaxing.
NOONBARRA JIM (IX) Noonbarra Ben X Noonbarra Tammy
& Tan Male. Born: 2010
Jim is one of our best loved older sires. Medium sized dog and slim build. He is one of our calmest dogs and has
a very laid back, easy going personality.
Very easy to train and handle. A very calm dog and a grandson of Noonbarra
Jackaroo. He has a lot of Jackaroo's best traits.
house dog or travelling. Ideal at cafes, dog park etc. Likes to be with you. A
very calm and soft natured dog.
He has
great breeding. His dad is Noonbarra Ben VIII and his mother is Noonbarra Tammy.
Goes back to many outstanding Kelpies of the past such as Noonbarra Jackaroo,
Kamileroy Queen, Noonbarra Sarah, Capree Cobb and Futura Ned.
His work on sheep is back to the wonderful old styles we first started with many decades ago. Mostly open paddock with beautiful point of balance, style and walk in. People often get surprised because he is such a calm dog and they think he has no energy and then when working sheep, he runs at full pace to turn sheep back and cuts back to block any runaways and has all the fancy quick footwork and the superb anticipation to hold them in the direction he wants them to go.
Jim is one
of our favourite dogs. A great little mate. Jim has given us some absolutely
fantastic puppies in recent times and we have a lot of customers that will only
have his pups.
Jim travels well in car, he is excellent in the house. Good with people and well liked as he doesn't jump all over them.
He works nicely on sheep. Doesn't upset them and shows all the old style traits we like to see such as great point of balance, correct distance and break out.
Jim at a cafe.
NOONBARRA DAVE Noonbarra Boss X Barclays Queen
Born: October 2012
Dave is a handsome Kelpie and often gets comments when we take him out. He has a sense of fun and loves to meet people. Dave is easy to train and likes to please. He is a very clever dog. Travels well and makes a first class companion. He draws attention wherever he goes. Well behaved at cafes and in car.
He works on sheep very nicely and can handle either nervous or stubborn sheep. Lovely point of balance and will come in when needed. Good work taking sheep off rails, fences etc. Good in the house and settles well. He has that loyal, faithful nature that we like in all our dogs and gets along with other dogs and animals.
Noonbarra Dave - A very handsome Kelpie
Noonbarra Dave as a puppy
He was always well behaved himself as a puppy and here he is out in town at a
local cafe.
Note: rawhide chew under his foot.
Noonbarra Dave (when he was a puppy) at a cafe with a friend of ours.
Dave is a perfect dog in our home
Enjoying the sun
Dave out at a cafe
He usually just curls up unless someone at the cafe is patting and fussing over him.
Noonbarra Dave
NOONBARRA BEN Noonbarra Dave X Noonbarra Molly
Red &Tan Male. Born: Feb 2018
This is Dave's son and a cracker of a dog. He is extremely similar to his dad in looks and behaviour. His mum is by Noonbarra Jim. He's maybe just a cm or so smaller than Dave but there's not much in it. His coat colour is again, dark red & tan. That is a deep dark chocolate colour and lighter tan markings.We have used him as a sire a lot lately and we couldn't be happier with the pups.
He is a friendly happy type of dog and loves to play and with you. Comes up and sits and pushes into you for a smooch and we love that with our dogs.
NOONBARRA ROSIE Noonbarra Jim IX - Noonbarra Amy II
Red & Tan Female Born: 23rd June 2017
Lovely smaller Kelpie female. Daughter of Noonbarra Amy II. Very sweet nature and a gentle loving dog. She's an easy dog to have around and has produced some beautiful pups for us over recent years.
We really like her gentleness. Loves to be patted and being around you but she's not an excitable dog and doesn't jump up on you. However when she's happy she can be very playful.
NOONBARRA BINDI Noonbarra Brock - Noonbarra Jillaroo
Red & Tan Female Born: 10th June 2017
NOONBARRA LUCY Noonbarra Dave - Noonbarra Sally
Red & Tan Female Born: 12th July 2016
NOONBARRA TEENA Noonbarra Brock - Noonbarra Jillaroo
Red & Tan Female Born: 10th June 2017
NOONBARRA BECKY Noonbarra Jim IX - Noonbarra Nikki
Red & Tan Female Born: 11th December 2017
NOONBARRA ANGIE Noonbarra Jackaroo X Barclays Kate II
Red &Tan Female. Born: April 2012
Noonbarra Angie is one of our older females. She is a half sister to Noonbarra Trixie and by our great late sire, Noonbarra Jackaroo. She is a pretty Kelpie. Light framed and agile. Very focussed in her sheepwork and not afraid if a sheep tries to take her on. This combination will produce some spectacular workers too. Jim is quite a calm dog on sheep and doesn't upset them.
She's a friendly outgoing young Kelpie and is a dog that loves to play and be part of whatever is going on. It's a wonderful combination with Noonbarra Jim and we expect some very happy, friendly type of pups that most of our customers desire.
She is the type of dog that loves a cuddle and is very affectionate. We get lovely pups from her when mated to Noonbarra Jim and have repeated that mating. We expect easy going pups and they should be very good looking too! This breeding brings in a lot of intelligence and they will be great companion dogs. Very suitable for family situations, especially good around children.
Ameroo Ned
X Noonbarra Nell II
Red & tan Female Born: 28th April 2012
Noonbarra Sally is the type of Kelpie who wants to be with and she makes an ideal companion.
One of our older mums. Sally's has had two fantastic litters for us. She's
been a fantastic mother and we couldn't be more pleased. If anything, she looks
after her pups too well and puts everything into them. We have to feed her
constantly at a very high level, just to keep up her condition.
Sally is a lovely sweet girl. Very affectionate and
has a real happy personality. She just loves to be with you and whatever you are
doing. Sally's mum is Nell, and her dad is our wonderful sire, Ned. She has some
superb breeding behind her. She is very loyal and the type of dog that wants to
be with you. She is also fast and agile and we expect her offspring to inherit
this as well.
NOONBARRA NIKKI Noonbarra Brock X Noonbarra Sophie
Red & tan Female Born: 7th May 2012
Nikki is a very gentle, soft natured girl and has produced some really
outstanding puppies for us.
She's near retirement now but still in excellent condition.
Nikki is a beautiful, gentle soft Kelpie. She's the type that loves to have a cuddle or a pat. A lot like her mum, Noonbarra Sophie. She's a very easy going dog and very gentle. She loves to come inside and sit up on the lounge for a while watching TV with us.
She is fantastic around other dogs, including small dogs and puppies. We were
recently looking after a 16 year Terrier for a friend and this dog is very frail
and gets worried by other dogs but Nikki and her got on fine. That's even with
Nikki having pups. That's the kind of personality she has. She is currently
kennelled with a young exuberant adolescent and they get on well.
Great travelling dog, excellent in crate or kennel, walks well on a lead, good around other dogs.
Nikki with a little friend
KATIE Noonbarra Ben
X Noonbarra Trixie
Red & tan Female Born: 26th October 2013
Noonbarra Katie is a very outgoing, friendly Kelpie who loves to play and be involved with whatever we are doing. She has a beautiful gentleness about her and will sit and be patted all day. Like her Mum, Noonbarra Trixie, Katie is a very agile dog and works extremely well on sheep.
She has just had her last litter and has shown to be a fantastic mother. She will be retiring soon.
NOONBARRA LIZZIE III Noonbarra Dave X Noonbarra Molly
Red & tan Female Born: 2016
Noonbarra Lizzie
one of our best females and one of our best mums too. She has already produced
us some terrific pups and we have sweet little Noonbarra Sophie in the stud.
Her dad, Noonbarra Dave has been one of our top sires for many years and is very
popular with our customers. Many especially ask for Dave pups. Her mum,
Noonbarra Molly (now retired) is by our wonderful sire, Noonbarra Jim so there's
a great combination in her breeding.
Lizzie is very pretty with a lovely dark coat that a lot of customers like and has a friendly, more outgoing personality and loves to be involved in whatever we are doing. We like her a lot as she's very affectionate and snuggles up close for a bit of a cuddle.
X Noonbarra Roobie
Red & tan Female Born: 7th September 2013
Noonbarra Jillaroo is a superb older Kelpie. Half sister to Lizzie. Very easy dog to train and extremely smart. She also has a terrific personality and is very friendly and a happy sort of dog. She loves people and loves to be patted. We are lucky to have a few of her offspring in our stud. She has always produced lovely pups for us that are good with children and easy to train. We always look at our adults as both when they were puppies and the dog they developed into so we have a good idea of the pups they will have.
Jill is a very sweet girl and we think she is very good looking. I would class her as having a happy, easy going nature. Great travelling dog too. Never car sick or excitable. None of our dogs here are. That makes it so easy to take her places and enjoy her company. She's also a good house dog but has mostly been kennelled outside.
Like most of our dogs, she has spent her whole life on the farm and
hasn't had a lot of exposure to children or animals such as horses, cats
or chooks. But she has been around motorbikes and is comfortable running
with a bike.
X Noonbarra Tilly
Red & tan Female Born: 24th April 2014
Noonbarra Ellie is another of our older female Kelpies and nearing retirement. Ellie is the happiest Kelpie on the planet. She loves life, loves people and wants to be with you.
We think she is a beautiful looking girl.
Happiest girl in the world
Comfortable on the sheep
Noonbarra Ellie as a puppy being held by one of our customers on a open day.
Noonbarra Ellie as a puppy
Noonbarra Ellie as a puppy working on sheep.
Red & tan Female Born: 3rd April 2014
Noonbarra Molly is one of our
older female Kelpies and has had a couple of litters and will be retired from
breeding soon. Molly is one of our smaller females with a nice rich dark
coat and a pretty little face. She is an extremely gentle Kelpie which is not surprising as
her Dad is Noonbarra Jim.
She has a soft, gentle nature and is a very affectionate little girl. Loves to be part of whatever is going on with us. Enjoys a car trip.
NOONBARRA AMY II Noonbarra Boss X Noonbarra Maggie
Red & Tan Female Born: 15th April 2015
Noonbarra Amy is one of our lovely female Kelpies and has been a fantastic mum. We think she is one of our prettiest Kelpies. She has a lighter coat, like Rosie and light tan markings. She is a very affectionate and loving dog and will snuggle into you for a cuddle. Another gentle natured Kelpie.
NOONBARRA JENNA Noonbarra Brock X Noonbarra Pepper
Red & tan Female Born: 26th November 2013
Noonbarra Jenna is one of our female Kelpies and has not had any pups at this time.
NOONBARRA HONEY Noonbarra Brock X Noonbarra Nell
Red & tan Female Born: 20th May 2013
Noonbarra Honey is one of our older Kelpies and has been a great mum. Honey was one of the easiest puppies growing up and we see that she puts that same fantastic personality into her own puppies.
Not all our Stud Kelpies have been listed here just some that have made a bit of a name for themselves over the years. Many others have won or placed in sheepdog trials.
However many of our good dogs never saw a trial ground but their owners thought very highly of their ability. Noonbarra Boris at Mudgee comes to mind, as does Noonbarra Dan who went to John Parrington. There was Noonbarra Kelly, one of our best forcing bitches, and Noonbarra Bonny who the owner later said "is simply a great bitch" and "a one in a lifetime dog". Then there was Noonbarra Jake who went to Lake Cargelligo in 1985, Noonbarra Ram, Noonbarra Tracey, Noonbarra Debby, Noonbarra Toby and dozens of others.
Noonbarra Working
Kelpie Stud
Mary and Stephen Bilson.
539 Lookout Road, Mullion Creek via Orange
Postal Address: P.O. Box 1374, Orange
NSW 2800, Australia
Ph. (02) 6366 0499
Email us
Latest edition of this very popular manual designed for all Kelpie owners of every level from raw beginners through to experienced trainers. This practical manual deals with everything involved in owning and training a Kelpie to ensure he grows up to be a well mannered, obedient dog.
The book is not about training on livestock! It deals with general obedience training, socialising your Kelpie, feeding, crating, toilet training, preventing problem behaviour, dominance issues, car travel, bathing, digging holes, stealing food, walking on a lead, coming when called... and much more.
Over 100 pages.
Information on Kelpie history & the outstanding Kelpies of the past can be found in the new edition of our book
Softcover 136 pages.