Here is some information on many of the
more important NOONBARRA Kelpies found in our past breeding lines.
These Noonbarra Stud Kelpies have now been sold or have passed away but we have got many
infusions of their good genes in our breeding lines to keep their
influence quite strong. Click on any Kelpie name below to find out
more about them. It might take a little while to fully load this page
as there are a lot of photos.
Born: 1st August 1985
Tina was one of our most impressive workers. She was all class. She showed a lot of eye and probably more style when working sheep, than any Kelpie we have ever owned. Surprisingly, she was able to move even the most stubborn sheep and she had very good mob force. She just changed her style to suit the purpose. Many people were greatly impressed by her and wanted to buy her but she stayed with us all her life for over 13 years until her death in 1998.
She could be a magnificent worker and
was a wonderful, friendly, faithful mate. We miss her a lot these days. She
loved to work and could do almost anything. She was a very outgoing bitch but
could also be calm. She could be trained to be extremely precise and very
obedient but if left to her own devices she could also be a bit strong-willed
and liked to get her own way. A lot of the old Kelpies were a bit like that.
She won and placed in a number of trials but could have doubled her prizes had she had more training or had been easier to handle. She was often used by us at exhibitions and to hold sheep while we tested out puppies. She could keep sheep very calm and she would often take the pressure off them by lying down and still holding them in place. If one moved one step she was ready to prevent it from escaping.
She was a good backing dog when she was young but later was badly attacked by a big wether sheep in a Utility Trial. This same sheep seriously attacked the competitor before us and he was nearly knocked out and stunned and he had to be helped from the ground. His run was rescheduled. She never really ran a decent Yard Trial after that. She would always tend to baulk when she got to the part in the Trial where she was hurt. After a while we gave up. This only happened in Trials, she was still very good in the yard at home on the property. She was a friendly dog and loved children. She had a good breaking out type of cast and was good at watching out for missed sheep in big paddocks. She lived to work and never gave up no matter how hard the conditions were.
We would consider Noonbarra Tina one of our greatest Kelpies ever and maybe the best all-round bitch we have ever bred!
She was highly regarded by many Kelpie handlers. Les Tarrant (Rockybar Stud) wrote in 1991, "There is a nice, kind natured look about Tina. I like the look of her". Chris Stapleton (Capree Stud) wanted us to put Capree Watch over her and he wanted to keep a pup. John White (Whites Stud) always referred to her as our good dog. Bruce Browning (Clovaville Stud) thought she did wonderful work and once did a commentary on a video tape while she was working at the NSW Championship Trials. Lewis Pulfer, a trialist from the USA said within a few months he could have her winning trials- this was in 1988. Neville King (Buckaroo Stud) thought she was special and wanted to buy a pup from her. Others came and saw her and went away impressed. We sold a lot of pups because of how classy she was. She got her photo in countless magazines and newspapers including a few overseas ones.
Noonbarra Tina was by Rockybar Smart and that was where she probably got her walk-up strength. He was a very strong dog. Her lines also went back to the famous Kalari Basil. She was also the great granddaughter of the famous Liscannor Marco on the other side.
Liscannor Pace (Rockybar Buff X Liscannor Emma) X Avenpart Gayleen (Le Cliff Jock X Avenpart Tarna)
Red & Tan Male. - Born: 1st June 1986
Noonbarra Tim was
one of our most important sires ever for our Stud and passed on plenty of natural ability
to his offspring as well as the calmness and the ability to be easily
handled. Unfortunately Tim died when we were just starting to realise
his potential as a sire. We were lucky to still get a lot of good Kelpies
by him including one of our best dogs ever, Noonbarra Gabe.
Tim showed much of the working style that we expected when we did the mating with our good bitch, Avenpart Gayleen. She demonstrated the qualities we wanted to reinforce going back to the outstanding Le Cliff Jock.
Noonbarra Tim was a very friendly and happy type of dog. He thought the whole world loved him. Many of our clients were so pleased with his pups that they ordered second ones. Ufortunately, most never got the chance to receive one as he died of an accident when still fairly young. Noonbarra Tim mated very well to most bitches but the best mating we ever did in our opinion was line breeding him back to Le Cliff Gabee.
Noonbarra Tim was also a dog that
liked to stay close to you. He was the most biddable (easy to manage)
dog we had ever worked up to that point. He tried very hard to
please. A gentle, calm dog, he loved children and got on well with
other dogs and puppies.
Noonbarra Tim had the cover and balance on sheep that we have come to expect of that line. He showed good eye on a few and a strong, steady walk-up. Not much ever bothered him. As a pup he showed exceptional natural ability and was working quite young. He was so fearless we had to watch him very carefully with big sheep as they could easily have hurt him. He was a good backing dog and never gave up.
We had a few heath problems with Noonbarra Tim. Firstly he got hyperthermia on the freezing cold night (minus 5) he was born. If that wasn't enough while he was still a young pup we had him in some boarding kennels and he was horribly attacked by another dog. His injuries were so bad the vet wanted to put him down but we refused. He had major leg damage and his throat was completely torn out. He was in a special metal and plaster brace for months. He was gutsy little fellow and although after his injuries he got tired quicker than our other Kelpies, he was still able to run up mountain paths near our property. He even ran around the property with the brace on. As it was longer than his leg he just swung it out as he ran. Anyone who saw it was amazed. Noonbarra Tim was a dog that certainly had a lot of heart.
This breeding, reinforcing
the genes of the great old dogs such as Kalari Basil, Chondo Doll and
Rockybar Buff, we still consider the best move we ever made in our
breeding program. But we wanted to do more. We looked around for
another Kelpie on the same lines showing great working ability. We
finally found her in Le Cliff Gabee. Gabee was bred by Lance Clifford
in Tasmania. She too, had many infusions of the good genes of the old
Kalari Kelpies on each side of her line.
We had Gabee come up with her owners, Kerry and Shirley Drew to work her on our property. She showed remarkable natural raw skill at working sheep. Every day she got better. They later took her to a little local sheepdog trial. Some top handlers were highly impressed. A well known Border Collie trialist said she was the only Kelpie he liked. Later Les Tarrant of the Rockybar Stud watched her work and he, like the others was very impressed and often referred to her ability and wanted to know how she was progressing.
Mating Le Cliff Gabee and Noonbarra Tim gave our breeding an enormous leap forward. The only downside was that Gabee only had two puppies, Noonbarra Gabe and Noonbarra Prince. Prince was bought by John Salter and Gabe was kept in the Stud. It turned out that both Kelpies were outstanding as workers and sires.
We kept a number of Noonbarra Tim's offspring in the Stud including: Noonbarra Kate, Noonbarra Kelly, Noonbarra Jenna and Noonbarra Gabe. Noonbarra Kelly was one of the best mob forcing dogs we had.
Born: 2nd March 1988
Right from a tiny pup Gabe
wiggled his way into our lives and our hearts. He was one of our
favourite Kelpies ever, with a charming personality that sort of made
you like him. He loved to be at the centre of whatever was going on.
His eyes always looked directly at you. When he looked straight into
your eyes he was able to communicate all his feelings and we came to
understand each other very well.
Noonbarra Gabe was especially line bred from Noonbarra Tim to produce a dog with the working & temperament qualities we were looking for as well as being able to consistently pass them on. When we purchased Avenpart Gayleen (his grandmother) as a pup we were greatly impressed with her high degree of natural working ability and wanted to continue breeding this type of dog with perhaps a little more versatility.
We further stabilised this breeding with Noonbarra Tim. Tim was of course a very similar worker to Gayleen and we were more than pleased with the results. We used Tim a lot for exhibitions and demonstrating his natural ability for visitors. Tim mated a number of bitches and was gaining a high reputation for his offspring. Tim died in 1988 but not before we had bred him to Le Cliff Gabee. We chose Gabee because she was well bred along the exact same lines as Tim and Gayleen. We wanted a dog as good as Noonbarra Tim and also to enhance the genetic pool. The result was two first class Stud Kelpies in Noonbarra Gabe and Noonbarra Prince.
We didn't start to notice just how good
Noonbarra Gabe was until one day at just 17 weeks old he mustered up
all 250 sheep in the front paddock. These sheep were spread out and
difficult to pick up but he worked with the determination and ability
of a much older dog. He repeated this exercise on 500 sheep a few
days later in another paddock and we video-taped his work so we would
always have a record of it.
We did not put Gabe into the yards until he was over 12 months old. Within fifteen minutes he was backing the race and coming through the sheep. By the third time in the yards he was working without command. One of the things we liked about him was his ability to learn and think things out. He went on to be a very good yard worker and won a number of yard trials and sired one of the best yard Kelpies in Australia, Noonbarra Butch. Butch won the NSW State Title, The National Australian title, The Southern NSW title and many others.
Gabe showed excellent eye on a few wild sheep but had plenty of force on a mob. He was the most all-round worker we have had and had a great personality as well. He loved to please and was very faithful. We took him everywhere. People used to ask us to come and visit them and to bring Gabe with us. He gave numerous exhibitions and also performed on TV commercials and in movies. He had the ability to learn new things very quickly. He won and placed in all kinds of trials. He could even do tricks. When we played Badminton he worked as the ball boy. He could speak on command, crawl, shake hands, fetch, and many other things. He was so tuned in to us it was sometimes eerie. He would let us know when a lamb was caught in a fence or a sheep was down etc. He reacted to our moods etc. He loved to work and he loved to be a part of anything that was going on. It was a great loss when he passed away.
We started using Noonbarra Gabe as a sire at the young age of 10 months as we had prematurely lost his sire, Noonbarra Tim. We knew the bloodlines and had a good idea of what to expect. In his first litter we got some excellent dogs including Noonbarra Butch and Noonbarra Boss II. As a sire, Noonbarra Gabe surpassed our highest expectations and many of our clients have been very impressed, both by his versatility as a worker and also for his ability as a sire.
Les Tarrant, the renowned Kelpie handler and breeder from Queensland (Rockybar Stud) said this about Noonbarra Gabe in 1991: "I like this dog. On video and in photos as well. He should breed on well. I like his bloodlines". We can only agree with Mr. Tarrant.
Noonbarra Gabe passed away in 1997 but we have a great deal of his blood in our current Kelpies.
Born: 17th May 1989
Noonbarra Judy
has been one of our top Kelpies in recent years. She was bred from Tara
(Spinifex Starlight) and by Noonbarra Gabe. She reminded us a lot
of old Tara and had a similar quiet, calm nature about her but she
also had a lot of the good natural ability and cover that comes from
Noonbarra Gabe. Gabe also gave her that lovely breakout from sheep.
The breakout and cover combined with the quiet, gentle nature of Tara
was a very good combination.
She was also a very classy wide worker with some nice stylish footwork and anticipation about her. She was good on wild running sheep and excellent on a few sheep trying to get away. She had only been on a trial field six times in her life but was placed in a yard trial and two Arena trials (three-sheep). We have sold a lot of pups on her performances and those of her late sire, Noonbarra Gabe.
One of the traits we liked most about her is her quiet temperament. She was just so easy to work with and made a marvellous companion. She liked to be close to you and was always calm and steady. When she worked, she had the ability to keep the sheep settled as well. As a dam, she has produced some excellent dogs including Noonbarra Flash, Noonbarra Megan and Noonbarra Dusty III.
She excelled at droving work
and did most of it without any commands. She often knew exactly
where to put on pressure and where to wait. In fact I'm sure she
thought people just get in the way. One time, she had to move a mob of
about 150 lambs, three to four months old, along a 2 kilometre public
road, then through another property with other sheep grazing, past
unfenced oat paddocks etc. then along the border of some scrubby
& timbered bushland and finally into a paddock on another
property. As anyone knows lambs of this age are a nightmare to move
as they don't lead and often ring (go around in large circles) on
themselves. It ended up being just a nice day for us with Judy
handling everything herself. After the first kilometre she got a feel
for just how much to push and when to cover a side or the rear. There
were no shouting commands, swearing or getting frustrated. This is
what working with good dogs is all about.
NOONBARRA LUCY II (Noonbarra Gabe X Noonbarra Vicky)
Noonbarra Lucy was one of our last
females to be used in the Stud that was by Noonbarra Gabe. She was
only mated a couple of times but produced some of the best Kelpies
ever including Noonbarra Max.
She was always a strong worker with quite a bit of force and could handle almost any task set for her. If steady on a few sheep she could show some nice style but she was mainly used on mob work where she was needed to keep the bigger mobs moving at a steady pace. She was one of our best dogs at going out and gathering sheep and bringing them in from long distances without a single word of command.
One of the best things about her was her friendliness and love of people. She was always a faithful type of dog that loves to just lie at your feet. A delight to have in the house and was often kept in as the family house dog.
Lucy had a lot of work in her and passed this on to her pups giving them a strong work ethic as well as style and force. She was a dog that loved people especially children and was very gentle with them. She could work any stock with a balance of strength and cover.
Born: April 15th 1989. - Red & Tan
of the dogs we have sold over the years have gone on to make names for
themselves such as Noonbarra Butch and Noonbarra Luke, but
many of the Noonbarra Kelpies that we thought were really outstanding
dogs never went on a trial field or were in view of the general public.
Noonbarra Butch made a big name for himself and won a number of the biggest sheepdog trials in Australia including the Australian National title and the NSW Yard Dog Championships. He won dozens of other trials as well.
Butch was the last in the litter to be sold. We started to call him 'Roger', and ended up taking him with us just for the socialising to the 1989 National Kelpie Trial in Bairnsdale, Victoria. He travelled around with us for a week.
Butch was a friendly happy young pup and full of confidence. We spend quite a bit of time socialising him and we think that makes a big difference to young pups. He was a very easy young dog to handle but he could be strong willed at times too. He was tough enough to handle any stock but had a kind sensitive side as well. We like breeding them like that as you can get a very good relationship with your dog and then as a team you can accomplish anything. He wasn't much of a barking dog but Michael trained him day after day until he had him barking on command perfectly.
When we were there we were asked to put him up for sale in the dog auction but as it mainly consisted of yard type dogs we declined as we felt he was more of a wide paddock dog and better suited to general station work. Even with all his wins in Yard Trials, we still feel that way. His breeding brought in some excellent backing skills and general yard work through Kalari Basil and others. We feel a lot of credit should go to his handler Michael Johnson in getting him to the high level he achieved. Not everyone would have got the best out of him.
Noonbarra Butch was in the first litter from Noonbarra Gabe and Gabe was barely 12 months old himself. We would have waited longer to use him as a sire but Noonbarra Tim was accidentally killed and Gabe was his son. Butch was likely to have been doing yard work even before Noonbarra Gabe was. Gabe was not put into a yard situation until he was in his 2nd year. But within 15 minutes he was backing and coming through the sheep on the inside of the Race. He was a natural in the yards and even today all our best Kelpies go back to Gabe. He went on to do very well in Yard Sheepdog trials and in general station work in shearing sheds and stockyards.
Born: 2nd March 1988
Noonbarra Prince was owned by John Salter of Gumble,
NSW and we used him as a sire when he was around 12 years of age and had a badly damaged leg
from a farm injury. Over his last couple of years we were unable to
get a natural mating from him because of this, so we got the vet to
do a number of unfrozen (natural) inseminations.
Right from a puppy he was an easy dog to train. Mr. Salter often commented on how quickly he learned new things. He was a good dog in the paddock and had a lot of natural ability in holding and bringing sheep. He was also often used in droving sheep and in yard work.
The feature that really stood out was his wonderful nature. He was a dog that was easy to like. He was a very friendly dog and loved to be patted. He was very faithful and liked to stay close to his owner. He got quite upset if Mr. Salter took other dogs out to work and left him at home.
Noonbarra Prince is a full litter brother to our late top sire, Noonbarra Gabe and showed his kind, gentle temperament as well as many of his outstanding working traits and incredible brains. We have used him three times as a sire since Noonbarra Gabe died and we are very pleased with the results. Noonbarra Marco, Noonbarra Dusty, Noonbarra Buffy, Noonbarra Libby, Noonbarra Jillaroo, Noonbarra Megan, Noonbarra Flash and Noonbarra Kara are just a few of his excellent offspring. He has progeny working in the USA, and Norway as well as Australia.
Born: 1st August 1985
Noonbarra Shane was a full brother to Noonbarra Tina. He
went to the Corvette Kelpie Stud as a puppy. He grew into a tall,
good looking red & tan Kelpie and was used by us as a sire by our
Stud on five occasions. He was a strong dog that could back sheep
well in the yards and had a deep bark. He had a calm temperament but
was strong willed. Strong walk up force on sheep.
His first mating was over Rockybar Valerie, a wide working paddock bitch we bought as a pup from the Rockybar Stud in Queensland. This litter produced some very good dogs including Noonbarra Libby, Bill, Tandy and Vicky. We also mated him over Noonbarra Kate (Twice) and got a number of good dogs including Noonbarra Smart I, Noonbarra Pearl, Noonbarra Cassie II, Noonbarra Ram, and a bitch we liked a lot, Noonbarra Kelly II. He was also mated twice to Avenpart Gayleen but we didn't get very big litters. Noonbarra Ben III and Noonbarra Debby were Stud Kelpies we got good reports back on. He was also used by the Corvette Stud over Noonbarra Tracey (a full sister to Noonbarra Tim) with good results.
(Phils Creek Sam X Noonbarra Jenna)
Born: 27th November 1990
Noonbarra Smart was one of the most natural yard working dogs we ever had. He amazed us with his ability at a very young age. He had absolutely no fear and even as a puppy could back sheep very well, even off shears or on loose sheep in a large yard or the paddock. No sheep could ever bluff him, he was fearless. He was a very tough worker and could take the knocks. He loved to jump and could get over almost anything. He also worked well on mobs of sheep but was a bit too pushy on a few. He was also a bit too strong willed.
Noonbarra Smart II later went to the Corvette Kelpie Stud and as he matured he ran in a few yard and utility sheepdog trials and went well with a few wins and placings but his trialling career wasn't continued when he was sold for general stockwork on a property.
(Rockybar Smart X Avenpart Gayleen)
Born: 17th July 1987
Noonbarra Luke was sold to Bruce Boland in Nyngan in outback Western NSW. Noonbarra Luke was a good-looking fawn and tan male and a son of Avenpart Gayleen. Before he was sold we got a 5th place with him in a puppy sheepdog trial at Manildra. His brother Noonbarra Nap and sister Noonbarra Judyrose also took places.
Bruce Boland trialled Noonbarra Luke in a number of yard trials and made him a trial champion. He did quite well with him in many areas of western NSW. Although we don't have a full list of all his results some of them were: 1st -Trangie Open Yard Trial, 2nd - Collarenebri Open Yard, 1st - Cobar Open Yard Trial, 5th -Nyngan Open Yard Trial, 2nd - Bourke Open Yard Trial.
He was also used as a sire by a number of Kelpie Studs including,
Clovaville Kelpie Stud
Kennedy's Kelpie Stud
Mafeesh Kelpie Stud
Waroo Kelpie Stud.
Noonbarra Gabe X Noonbarra Vicky)
Noonbarra Gabby was owned by the Koonawarra Downs Kelpie stud. We leased her for two litters. One to Noonbarra dusty and one to Noonbarra Flash. Both these litters produced some outstanding puppies and we kept Noonbarra Penny, one of her daughters who had her own puppies in 2002 to Noonbarra Dan IV and then later to Noonbarra Flash.
Gabe X Rockybar Valerie)
Born: 1989
Boss was a full brother to the famous Trial Champion, Noonbarra Butch. He was used as a sire in the Stud and produced some of our most popular breeders and workers, including two of our famous breeding bitches - Noonbarra Valerie and Noonbarra Wendy.
Shane X Rockybar Valerie)
Born: 1987 Colour: Red & Tan
A very pretty female that was fine and light in structure and very agile and fast. She had a litter of ten pups in 1990 to Noonbarra Gabe and we had many reports back on these Kelpies that they were amazing workers and extremely stylish.
That mating was repeated the next year (1991) again to Noonbarra Gabe and produced a litter of seven pups including Noonbarra Gabby who went to the Koonawarra Downs Kelpie Stud and was later leased back and used twice in our breeding program with wonderful results.
Vicky was sold in 1992 to Jerralong Kelpie Stud after Mary became sick and we had to drastically reduce the Kelpies in the stud.
NOONBARRA WENDY (Noonbarra Boss II X Noonbarra Tina)
Black & Tan.
Noonbarra Wendy is a daughter of one
of our best ever Stud bitches, Noonbarra Tina. Wendy is black &
tan like her mother and works in a very similar fashion. When
Noonbarra Tina was still alive we often worked them together and it
was like watching the work in stereo.
After we had evaluated her work when she was young we mostly used her for helping us with the mustering and droving of big mobs as she prevented breakaways very well. She was also very good on old sheep and lambs. In fact we have seen her able to work a single lamb along a fenceline with just the right amount of pressure to prevent it from lying down. These days we do very little work with her and usually only use her as a second dog on a big mob or to hold sheep for puppies etc.
Noonbarra Wendy is a very steady and gentle worker and can work close or wide out off her sheep. She shows lots of eye and style. She keeps calm and walks up to sheep slowly and with determination. In most cases she lifts them very gently. Noonbarra Wendy is one of our most intelligent dogs and can be very clever. She works gently on big mobs or just a few. She settles sheep down well and would be best mated to strong sires to give a good allround ability. She has a very quiet, faithful nature and is very obedient. We have mated her to Noonbarra Dusty.
Noonbarra Wendy is a full litter sister to Noonbarra Valerie and is by Noonbarra Boss II. Boss was a full litter brother to the famous Noonbarra Butch. He was by our best past sire, Noonbarra Gabe. So there are many exceptional dogs in this pedigree. Any mating with a sire featuring Noonbarra Tim/ Noonbarra Gabe in the pedigree gives a good relationship in the litter and is usually the way we prefer to breed to keep litters uniform and stable.
NOONBARRA VALERIE (Noonbarra Boss II X Noonbarra Tina)
Red & Tan.
Noonbarra Valerie is one of our calmest workers. It is not
very often you get a steady, calm worker that also has plenty of
strength. Valerie is wonderful at lifting wild sheep - she tends not
to upset them. In most cases the sheep just quietly move off without
any stress. If they want to fight then Noonbarra Valerie will come
right in. If they attack her she will snap at the nose or bark. She
is also a handy yard dog but doesn't have much experience in the
yards. Her real worth is out in the paddock. She often works mobs of
sheep for us, droving as well as bringing them along to us. She has a
nice balance of strength and gentleness.
Her ability is not all that surprising once you take a look at her breeding. She is by Noonbarra Boss II, who was a wonderful Kelpie in himself as well as being a litter brother to the famous Noonbarra Butch, one of Australia's greatest yard dogs of the last ten years. But that is not the only good breeding in her pedigree. She is from Noonbarra Tina, certainly one of the very best Kelpies we ever had. Noonbarra Tina was also a dog with a lot of strength and beautiful style when working. Noonbarra Valerie is best mated to strong sires to give good all round ability in the pups. We have mated her twice to Noonbarra Prince. Noonbarra Marco has been retained in the Noonbarra Stud. See comments page on Noonbarra Tui, Noonbarra Cruiser, Noonbarra Luke II and Noonbarra Jessica II.
Red & Tan.
Jill has now been sold to a young Stud in the Snowy Mountains.
Noonbarra Jillaroo is an outgoing, very friendly
Kelpie that is just as much at home working in the stockyards as
mustering a mob or working a few sheep with precision. She is
extremely keen, fast and agile. She has the strength we always like
to see in our dogs and is definitely never a dog to give up no matter
how tired she is.
She is a good dog indoors and when away travelling and enjoys the company of people. She also shows some pretty eye and style when working on a few sheep but prefers to use more force on a large mob and shows very little eye in that situation.
Dusty III X Noonbarra Valerie)
Red & Tan. Born: 2001
Becky is one of our younger females in the Stud. She is always keen to work and
shows the toughness and dedication needed to shift difficult livestock but all
with brilliant footwork and holding ability that you don't see in many of the
Kelpies these days that come solely from yard working backgrounds. The best part
is that Becky is also an excellent worker in the stockyards and moves sheep off
the rails and out of corners with ease.
NOONBARRA LIBBY II (Noonbarra Prince X Noonbarra Valerie)
Red & Tan.
Libby has now been sold to Yaldool Working Kelpie stud at Braidwood.
Noonbarra Libby is one of our most athletic Kelpies. She has a beautiful sleek body and can move and turn at great speed. She shows some very impressive talent on livestock and has many of the old-time classic Kelpie ability such as smooth break out around sheep and footwork and cover.
She is well behaved when traveling or inside and loves to be around people.
Black & Tan.
Born: 6th May 2001
Noonbarra Dan has now been sold to a big Cattle Station in Queensland where he is getting a lot of hard work.
He is a very tall black and tan male and a very handsome dog. Full brother to Noonbarra Cassie and Noonbarra Mouse and half brother to Noonbarra Sue and Kay all here in the Stud.
He has excelled as a sire and has been mated to Noonbarra Penny, Capree Dyna, Noonbarra Becky, Noonbarra Jillaroo (twice), Noonbarra Angel (Twice), and Noonbarra Megan. All with exceptional results.
He was used as a sire for our Stud because of his wonderful temperament and very-laid back attitude. Noonbarra Dan seemed to have taken the very best traits from his dam, Noonbarra Wendy but has also combined these with Bonorong Rex going back to our great sire, Noonbarra Gabe.
On stock Dan has an imposing presence about him that also makes him very strong and stock quickly move off him. This trait comes from his dam, Noonbarra Wendy. His breeding takes in some of the greatest Kelpies of the past 50 years including Barambogie Mack, Liscannor Marco, Capree Watch, Phils Creek Sam, Milburn Basil and of course the National & State Champion, Noonbarra Butch. Noonbarra Butch goes back to Noonbarra Gabe and Noonbarra Tim.
Noonbarra Abby has now been
sold to a farming property in Victoria.
Noonbarra Abby is one of the nicest dogs you'll ever find. She has a great temperament. She is faithful and easy going. She is a keen worker and is versatile. She loves people and is very friendly.
Noonbarra Abby is by Noonbarra Dusty
III who
is one of our best Kelpies ever and who has proved himself to be an
exceptional sire for the Stud and his offspring are highly sought
after. See more about him in our Sires section. Abby's dam is
Noonbarra Valerie, one of our old females and is very calm but has
inner strength and a dog that can handle any stock with gentle
NOONBARRA LIZZIE Capree Cobb X Noonbarra Sarah
Liz has now been sold to a young stud in the Bathurst district.
Liz is a very big female and takes a lot from
her sire, Capree Cobb.
She is very
friendly and likes a cuddle. Loves to be with people.
She shows nice style on sheep with plenty of versatility. Very similar to her dam. She is steady and calm with a good balance of eye and strength on the sheep. Can get them off fences and is comfortable in close when needed.
Her sire is an outstanding dog in the yards and Utility and Yard trial winner (including National Kelpie Trial in South Australia -novice) and has been used twice in the Noonbarra Stud.
Her dam,
Noonbarra Sarah is one of our best workers ever and is exceptional out in the
paddocks with a very wide calm working style similar to the classic old Kelpies
such as Chondo doll , who is in her pedigree. She has the ability to settle down
even wild sheep.
Noonbarra Sarah is very versatile and can work all day backing and moving the sheep through the stockyards. Sarah is currently regarded as our best breeding bitch as well.
Noonbarra Liz will soon be mated to Noonbarra Max (Noonbarra Dusty III X Noonbarra Lucy II) and we think this will be one of our best litters this year. A female pup will be retained in the Stud from this mating.
NOONBARRA CHLOE Karrobar Moss X Noonbarra Abby
Chloe is a very tall,
beautifully built young bitch.
She has a lot of her mother's wonderful personality (Noonbarra Abby) and this
was the main reason she was kept on in the Stud. She also has excellent natural
working ability, especially in her break out and cover on sheep. Her sire is one
of Australia's greatest Working Kelpies and has twice been selected to represent
our country overseas. He was the 1998 National Australian Yard Dog Champion (and
3rd the following year). He has also won an Open Cattle working trial and 3
sheep trial.
At the end of 2003 she had her first litter. This was to Noonbarra Max, one of our best sires ever. This large litter of eight was completely sold out within days of her whelping.
Chloe is a very friendly, outgoing Kelpie and easy to train and work with. She is very similar to her dam, Noonbarra Abby. She is bold and confident and can handle just about any situation.
(Noonbarra Marco X Noonbarra Judy)
Noonbarra Angel is a very pretty, small, petite female that is very faithful. She is a very good mother and looks after her pups very well.
She shows some lovely style on sheep and has a medium amount of eye. She likes to work off the sheep and then comes in if they baulk or slow down too much. Her puppies have been outstanding workers and customers have been very impressed with their ability.
She is a very quiet, faithful dog in the house and pretty much a dog that bonds very closely to a few people rather then be an excited outgoing dog that jumps on people.
She has bred some fantastic pups for in particular, Noonbarra Sue II. We bred her to Noonbarra Dan IV a couple of times and also to Noonbarra Max.
Red & Tan.
Penny is a lovely small bitch and is very similar in breeding to Noonbarra Max
and Noonbarra Emma.
She is sweet little dog that just wants to be with us and is easy to handle. She is extra keen to work stock and will stop well on command. She has mostly been worked in the open paddock but has shown some extra-good ability in the yards as well and hopefully in the future, get to do more work there.
She is very much like her mother (now deceased) Noonbarra Gabby. Many people have told us that she is a very pretty little girl with nice markings.
Her pups include Noonbarra Meg and Noonbarra Debbie kept in the Stud as future breeders.
NOONBARRA SOLO Noonbarra Max X Noonbarra Valerie
was a single pup in the litter, hence his name. He is a good looking, confident
and bold young male. He has a smaller build like his sire, Noonbarra Max. He started showing
excellent working ability on sheep from just 9 weeks of age and
is very keen.
He has a great nature about him and seems to be an even combination of the good traits from both parents. A very easy dog to work with and a nice gentle nature. He is very friendly but not excitable which is just what we wanted.
His breeding is the same as Noonbarra Gemma, from another litter. He has been one of the easiest dogs ever to train and handle and in that regard quite like Noonbarra Max was as a youngster and other Noonbarra Max offspring.
His ability on livestock has exceeded our expectations and this is the type of Kelpie we are trying to breed more and more of and the type we like. He was mated over Noonbarra Amy in 2004. We reluctantly decided to sell him to a working property in the Snowy Mountains as we already had Noonbarra Jackaroo, Max, Dusty and Flash all on similar lines as well as Noonbarra Nicky, Gemma as well as numerous Dusty offspring.
Red & Tan
is a lovely, calm, gentle Kelpie.
She makes a very loyal companion. To some
people this is not important but to us it is essential in any working dog.
She is one of the most stylish Kelpies in recent years from the Noonbarra Stud and shows a high degree of eye like the older style of Kelpies. A beautiful dog to watch work and she gets lots of comments when we demonstrate her at exhibitions and field days. She is calm and steady in her approach and has a good walk up to stock. Mouse has an enormous amount of natural ability and style and it is combined with walk-in strength and power.
Her sire is one of Australia's best known Sheepdog Trial winners and is himself the son of Milburn Basil, who was both State Champion and Australian Sheepdog Trial Champion.
NOONBARRA DEBBIE Noonbarra Dan IV X Noonbarra Penny IV
Born: 1st May 2002
Red & Tan
Debbie showed beautiful work right from a pup.
She is a pleasure to work with, a very honest natural working style. She is a nice
blend of both parents. Very faithful and loving nature, she always likes to be with us.
She is quite talented in the yards and out in the field. The thing that really impresses us is her style and footwork which is reminiscent of the old-style Kelpies of past years.
She has lots of real strength on sheep but none of the aggression that so many so-called strong dogs have these days. She allows the sheep to settle.
NOONBARRA SUE Bonorong Rex X Noonbarra Sarah
& Tan Female.
Sue is an outgoing, bold, very friendly dog who is a lovely companion and worker. Like most Noonbarra Kelpies she has a nice faithful nature. Customers who come to the stud often comment on her open friendliness and happy nature as well as her imposing looks.
Her sire Bonorong Rex, is one of the top kelpies in the country and goes back to three generations of Noonbarra breeding through the renowned State and Australian National Open winner, Noonbarra Butch.
Sue's sire, Rex recently went into an Open Sheepdog Trials and performed two near perfect runs with 99 points and another 99 points in the final. That is an astounding achievement!
Sue's mum, Noonbarra Sarah hardly needs any introduction to those who know the Noonbarra Stud. Sarah is one of our best breeders and workers and is very special due to her style of work which is very steady and smooth with nice distance and eye but very, very, powerful. No sheep ever stands up to her!
Sue is a very keen worker and like so many of our Noonbarra dogs today, exhibits many of the wonderful traits of the old time Kelpies that are getting rare to find these days. Nice holding ability and style and cover. Sue has that same powerful walk up to stock that her mother, Sarah is renowned for. In the yards she has a imposing presence and unlike some dogs who dislike being in the wool shed or stockyards where they have to work close and hard, Sue seems to love it!
Noonbarra Sue
NOONBARRA KAY Bonorong Rex X Noonbarra Sarah
Red & Tan female
is a full sister to Noonbarra Sue Kay has a
lovely gentle and kind type of personality.
Her work is very pretty with lots of eye and style like the old time Kelpies. She has good presence on stock and shows a lot of steady strength in a very similar way to her well known mother, Noonbarra Sarah. Kay is a versatile dog and can do a good job in the stockyards or out in the open field.
Kay has a nice, gentle personality and is a dog we like a lot. She is not over excitable but loves to come up for a pat and be near us. She is easy to handle and travels well. She has been bred to our great sire, Noonbarra Roy III and we are very excited about this mating.
Noonbarra Kay
NOONBARRA GEMMA Noonbarra Max X Noonbarra Valerie.
Red & tan markings.
a very nice young female used in the stud as
a breeding bitch. She is one of the smoothest workers
we have ever owned. She seems to slide around sheep without upsetting them. This
was a trait highly prized in the past by Arena Sheepdog Trial competitors.
Unfortunately, we see it very rarely these days.
Gem is a very friendly, happy dog, who just wants to be part of everything that's going on. Nothing much ever bothers her and she has already done quite a bit of traveling with us.
She has plenty of natural ability, is very keen and like most of our Noonbarra breeding will show lots of style and work at correct distance with break out and cover.
She's a very good holding dog too and that is something we are not seeing in a lot of Kelpies these days. It is probably because most lines were bred only to work in yards and trials rather than be versatile allrounders that know how to handle wild sheep and big paddocks.
Noonbarra Gemma
NOONBARRA SARAH (Noonbarra Dusty X Noonbarra Wendy)
Red & Tan Female
Born: 1999
Noonbarra Sarah is one of our best females, both as a worker and breeder. Her last litter to Futura Ned bred us some superb workers and one of them, Noonbarra Jessie has been kept in our Stud. She has also been mated to the well known Sheepdog trial winner, Capree Cobb and produced impressive puppies including Noonbarra Lizzie, the dam of Noonbarra Jackaroo.
Her last two litters have been to Noonbarra Roy III and we feel this was her best litters so far and we have kept Noonbarra Kellie from this mating.
Noonbarra Sarah is important for a number of reasons. She is one of the few Kelpies these days that has good distance on stock, which means the stock don't panic or run madly all over the place. But the reason she is so special is that most dogs with good distance tend to be weak but Sarah is not. She can also be in very close and show all the strength in the world to move any stock. She is a very cool headed, steady worker and because of her ability to quiet down wild livestock and keep calm, she is a huge asset to our Stud. She is faithful and quiet and easy going and likes to be close to us.
If you want a great versatile working dog then you can't do much better than a litter from Noonbarra Sarah.
Black & Tan. Born: 15th Sept. 2001
Sire: Karrobar Moss - (Phils Creek Nap X Reedy Creek Casey )
Dam: Noonbarra Libby II - (Noonbarra Prince X Noonbarra Valerie)
Roy is the kind of dog that becomes a good mate very easily. He is a lovely natured fellow who is loving and devoted. A very faithful type of dog. He is a tremendous dog in the stockyards and shearing shed. Half of his breeding is the yard work bloodline of Karrobar Moss and Roy is a lot like Moss. He will move along on the backs of sheep, give a few barks and is quite bold.
He loves to be part of whatever is going on. He listens and tries to please. A very easy going dog. Good moving dog and very agile. He really enjoys working but more importantly he loves to be around us and part of whatever is going on even more.
His sire, Moss is an Australian National Trial Champion. Moss is extremely versatile and one of the best dogs in the country. He has won Arena and Yard sheepdog trials including the biggest trial, The 1998 Australian National Open Yard dog Championship. He also did a brilliant run in the State Arena Championships a few years ago. He can work Cattle, big mobs of sheep or a few wild running sheep. He is happy in the field or close in the yards. He is currently rated in the top few of Working Kelpies in this country. He also won an Open Cattle Trial.
Noonbarra Roy is a little different to most of our Noonbarra Kelpies due to the influence of Karrobar Moss. He is a very biddable dog and that was the main reason for using Moss as a sire. In turn, Roy turned out to be a sensational sire and produced nearly $40,000 worth of pups for us. Noonbarra Mick II and Noonbarra Kellie have been kept in the Stud.
His mother (dam) is Noonbarra Libby, was one of our good young females. She always likes to be with us with whatever we are doing and is very loyal. She has a fun personality and we like her a lot. She is a very agile Kelpie and can move fast. Libby is versatile and shows good strength on stock. A friendly young Kelpie, she is well behaved and often kept in as a house dog. Libby is a keen worker and is calm, obedient and easy to handle.
Noonbarra Roy has produced litter after litter of superb pups. He has been mated to Noonbarra Sarah, Noonbarra Gemma, Noonbarra Mouse, Noonbarra Meg, Noonbarra Kay, Noonbarra Nicky, and twice to Noonbarra Megan. We have even stored his semen for future use. His pups have gone almost everywhere to the far north of Queensland to Tasmania. Right through Victoria, ACT and NSW, over to Switzerland, Japan and to America.
We get so many glowing reports back on his pups. His pups have excelled in the hardest working conditions possibly but because of his calm, biddable nature they have also excelled as companion dogs and quite a few are now great family dogs in Sydney, Melbourne and Canberra.
Noonbarra Roy III
NOONBARRA MEGAN (Noonbarra Prince X Noonbarra Judy)
Noonbarra Megan is
one of the most natural workers we have ever had the pleasure of knowing. She
has remarkable working ability. She has been seen by other breeders and has
really opened their eyes as to what a high level of inherited ability can be
bred into a dog with no training at all.
She is a very stylish worker with plenty of eye and steady walk up. Unlike some stylish Kelpies she has lots of power to go with it and can shift any stock with ease. She is also extremely agile and one of the most intelligent Kelpies we have ever bred.
Megan is a full litter sister to Noonbarra Dusty III. She is always a happy go lucky sort of dog and has a personality that is very easy to like. She has some of the best eye and style of all our current dogs when working on a few sheep but can change when working a mob or in the stockyards where she is very business-like and fast with excellent strength.
In the paddock she is good on mobs and has a good amount of force. She has been on cattle once and was quite comfortable and keen working them as well. She will probably also be trained to work three sheep in Arena Sheepdog trials at a later date.
Noonbarra Pace - One of Megan's pups.
Megan has produced some of our best pups ever. Good natured, good looking and above all extremely good workers.
In the yards she shows no fear and even if the sheep jump on her she sees it all as a game and just has fun. She is extremely agile and can jump very well and flies through the air over sheep in the race sometimes. Dusty is still our top Yard worker at this time but he has had much more experience than Megan. We think Megan is even better than Dusty in a natural sense.
This is a young Noonbarra Ruthless (In America).
Noonbarra Roy III x Noonbarra Megan
She tries hard to please and is very obedient. She loves people and is always happy. She can work very steady on sheep and with good walk-in strength. She also has a very nice break-out on sheep. This is something a lot of Kelpies seem to be losing these days.
When she has a few days work she is very precise and can do almost anything. She is a very agile Kelpie and in the yard race she can get knocked around by stock and still come up smiling - to her it is all a great game. In the paddock, she is a different dog with lots of eye and classic style about her and is very obedient. She has a beautiful, elegant movement that is very much like the old time Kelpies. She can be extremely fast when required. She just loves to work.
She has had superb pups to both Noonbarra Dan IV and Noonbarra Roy III.
For exceptional stock working ability or for high level Dog Sports, a litter from Megan bloodline should always be strongly considered.
Noonbarra Daisy II (Noonbarra Roy III X Noonbarra Megan (2003)
NOONBARRA NICKY Noonbarra Max X Noonbarra Lizzie
& Tan Female
Nicky is a full sister to Noonbarra Jackaroo. She is a happy, friendly type of dog who loves to be with us. Her work is excellent and she has the holding ability, distance and balance we like to see out in the paddock, especially when working just a few sheep that can easily split up or breakaway.
In the yards she also shows very good ability but these days that is expected of all our Noonbarra Kelpies and considering her parents, grandparents and great grandparents it is not surprising. Her bloodlines carry the genes of some of Australia's greatest yard and paddock dogs including many Australian National Field Trial winners and National and State Open Yard winners.
Noonbarra Nicky has been mated to Noonbarra Mick II and produced two litters of outstanding puppies. She was also mated to Mick's own dad, Noonbarra Roy III and had a wonderful litter to him also. Her pups have gone all over Australia including Western Australia as well as to America.
Noonbarra Nicky
NOONBARRA MICK II Noonbarra Roy III X Noonbarra Sarah
Red & Tan Male
is one of our youngest Stud sires. Very handsome and a real male type of dog.
Good medium sized and a bit taller than Jackaroo and Max. We kept Mick mainly
because of his excellent temperament. He was a very happy pup and so easy to
train and very obedient. He learnt things very quickly. He is a lot like his
sire, Noonbarra Roy III. (Going back to Australian National Yard Dog Champion -
Karrobar Moss.)
He has been mated to Noonbarra Nicky on three occasions and produced three great litters. He has also been mated to Noonbarra Megan and Noonbarra Cassie and produced excellent dogs, many of his offspring (Noonbarra Blondie, Noonbarra Pepper, Noonbarra Rosie, Noonbarra Karli, etc. ) have been kept in the Stud.
He is one of our gentlest Kelpies and very calm. He is very faithful and likes to be right by your side. He is an excellent companion dog and good in the house or travelling, in town etc. He would make an ideal pet if he wasn't with us.
On sheep, he is very strong and forceful. Sometimes he can be a bit too hard if he hasn't had work for a while. Although he hasn't had the opportunity to work with cattle, he shows a lot of the traits that have made great cattle workers for us in the past.
He is a very good yard dog and backs well in the race and with nice precision. He is obedient to commands and not hard to handle. No sheep ever stands up to him. Mick shows plenty of strength and quite happy to come in close and force sheep up.
He is a nice looking, medium tall dog with excellent structure. Mick has undergone expensive official testing for Hip Dysplasia and passed very well. There are only a handful of Kelpie Sires in Australia that have had this testing done. We like to make sure all our dogs are as healthy as possible.
NOONBARRA MEG II Noonbarra Flash X Noonbarra Penny
Red & Tan Female
Meg is
one of our best natured young bitches. She is the result of careful line
breeding to many of our
best dogs. She is bold and outgoing but not too excitable. She is currently the
only Kelpie we have in the Stud who is by our talented old sire, Noonbarra Flash.
She is a nice combination of both parents. We especially like her temperament and friendly attitude. She is a very easy dog to handle and train.
Her last two litters have produced some terrific pups including Noonbarra Bindi III. Her pups are usually very friendly and quite outgoing. Mated to Noonbarra Jackaroo produced pups with very nice eye & style and a lot of the old classic traits that are hard to find these days. Good pups with kids.
NOONBARRA MAX (Noonbarra Dusty X Noonbarra Lucy)
Red & Tan.
Noonbarra Max is one of our smaller males in the Noonbarra Stud and has a terrific conformation to be able to run all day. In our breeding program he often helps to bring the size down in some of the females that are a bit too big, so that we get nice medium sized puppies.
He is an outstanding young male and has already sired some marvellous young Kelpies. Max is very important to our stud because he is beautifully linebred to bring in the best traits of the Noonbarra lines. He is by our best sire, Noonbarra Dusty III (Noonbarra Prince and Noonbarra Judy) and as well, also brings in some old Noonbarra Gabe and Noonbarra Shane blood on the other side so he really is a combination of all the best of Noonbarra breeding.
He is a very easy dog to handle with an outgoing, friendly temperament and very well behaved and obedient. He travels well and has often accompanied us on trips and been an inside house dog. These things may not at first seem important in a working dog, but we feel they are essential if a stockman wants their dog to work at the highest level.
He has a great temperament that is similar to Noonbarra Tim, his great grandfather. To us, this is extremely important. He is outgoing and friendly with strangers, other dogs and children.
Noonbarra Kit at Noonbarra Stud with Stephen Bilson and Noonbarra Max helping to hold the sheep
(Noonbarra Dan IV X Noonbarra Jillaroo)
Red & Tan Colour.
Amy is a gentle, calm female. She is a reasonably tall girl and has bred a few litters of excellent pups to Noonbarra Max and Noonbarra Jackaroo. This has given us good medium sized Kelpies that are fairly calm dogs with good stock work ability, a nice amount of eye and style and can be fast, agile dogs when needed but are quiet, relaxed dogs in the home. Amy is an exceptional mother.
Noonbarra Chloe II and Noonbarra Misty (from different Max X Amy litters) have been kept in the Stud. Others from this breeding that can be found under customer reviews are Noonbarra Matti, Noonbarra Amber, Noonbarra Daysie, Noonbarra Banjo etc.
Like all our Noonbarra Kelpies these days, Amy loves to be with us and part of whatever we are doing. She travels well in a car and settles indoors.
She was an early starting Kelpie with a lot of keenness on stock. She is quiet natured, kind and wise and of course very likable. Her work is a combination of stylish walk up to sheep with lots of footwork and strength to force when needed. It is no surprise to see this ability as she seems to have taken the best traits from each parent. She shows some exceptional ability in the stockyards and is an incredible dog when it comes to backing sheep.
She was mated to Noonbarra Jackaroo (Max's son) for the first time in 2008 and produced excellent puppies. It was an ideal combination of two wonderful dogs. Jackaroo has been giving us superb pups over a number of different females such as Noonbarra Kellie and Noonbarra Meg. Sadly Amy passed away in 2010.
Dark Brown and Tan
Born: 12th April 1998. Stud Registration Number: 36893 Tattoo: NO 3B
Flash is a full brother to Noonbarra Dusty III but is a slightly
different type of worker to Dusty.
As a sire, he has produced some excellent pups. Flash is very versatile and shows outstanding ability in the yards and in the paddock. His colour is a very dark brown (not black) with tan markings. Backs the sheep very well and loves it. He will speak on command and has a good deep bark.
Noonbarra Flash breaks out very well on stock in paddock with good distance and will let sheep settle instead of bustling all the time like some dogs. Once he has the sheep to you he will wait. One of our best dogs on mob work. His last litter to Noonbarra Wendy was one of the best litters we have had and that mating was repeated.
The best feature of Noonbarra Flash in our opinion is his great nature. He is a calm, gentle natured dog that is a delight to have around as a companion dog. Good in the house and loves a pat. Flash can be seen on our latest video. Noonbarra Flash was also mated to Noonbarra Gabby with excellent results.
Noonbarra Flash was retired in 2010.
NOONBARRA DUSTY III (Noonbarra Prince X Noonbarra Judy)
Red & Tan. Born 1998
Noonbarra Dusty is one of our main sires. He is also
Stephen's companion dog. He really shows us everything we want
in a dog. He has good yard skills with and good steadiness in the paddock,
as well as the keenness to work all day. One of his good traits is
that he will mouth a sheep if provoked or needed but doesn't use his
teeth. In the paddock he will work medium-wide and come in when
necessary. He will work very wide if commanded. His covering &
footwork in blocking sheep is already highly developed and he has the
walk-up strength needed to move stubborn or aggressive
Perhaps his best trait is his thinking power. He works things out for himself. He learns from his mistakes and has the potential to be an outstanding Stud Kelpie. His nature is biddable and loyal - he makes a great companion. He bonds closely and is a terrific companion dog.
We have had him on the road droving, working in the shearing shed and on big mobs and just a few. He is in many ways very much like his uncle (on one side) and grandfather (on the other) Noonbarra Gabe. Noonbarra Gabe sired many of our best Kelpies for a number of years and was a top worker himself. He even did well in Yard, Utility and Arena sheepdog Trials.
Noonbarra Dusty has been our best sire in recent years and has a number of progeny in our Stud including Noonbarra Sarah, Noonbarra Penny, Noonbarra Becky and more. He also now has some grand kids as well. He already has sons and daughters overseas in the USA, Germany, New Zealand and Belgium.
Dusty was retired in 2010.
Red colour & Tan markings.
Noonbarra Cassie is a delightful girl
and one of our favourite companions. She has a very calm nature and is very laid
back but she also has a delightful sense of fun and play. She is nice and friendly
and is easy to control and train. She is often kept in as a
house dog and is very well behaved and very calm. She likes to have a pat and
then lie down at our feet. She is an obedient dog
and extremely smart. Cassie likes to be with you and loves to go out in the car.
She is an excellent travelling dog and of all our dogs, Cassie, Jackaroo and
Jenny are our best travelling dogs. We often take her out to cafes etc. and she
is very well behaved and just lies under the table. Lots of people are always
asking to pat her as she has a great personality and enjoys life.
Her work is steady but strong and she is always keen. Over the years she has made a lot of friends and is admired by many of our customers. She has only ever had three litters and we get a very strong demand for hr puppies. She has been mated to Noonbarra Dusty III (some years ago) and the to Noonbarra Mick II and we kept Noonbarra Karli in the Stud from that litter. She has since been mated to Noonbarra Jackaroo and once again had fantastic pups. She looks after her pups very well and they are always in great condition, fat and healthy.
(Noonbarra Dan IV X Noonbarra Jillaroo)
Red & Tan Colour.
Amy is a gentle, calm female. She is a reasonably tall girl and has bred a few litters of excellent pups to Noonbarra Max and Noonbarra Jackaroo. This has given us good medium sized Kelpies that are fairly calm dogs with good stock work ability, a nice amount of eye and style and can be fast, agile dogs when needed but are quiet, relaxed dogs in the home. Amy is an exceptional mother.
Noonbarra Chloe II and Noonbarra Misty (from different Max X Amy litters) have been kept in the Stud. Others from this breeding that can be found under customer reviews are Noonbarra Matti, Noonbarra Amber, Noonbarra Daysie, Noonbarra Banjo etc.
Like all our Noonbarra Kelpies these days, Amy loves to be with us and part of whatever we are doing. She travels well in a car and settles indoors.
She was an early starting Kelpie with a lot of keenness on stock. She is quiet natured, kind and wise and of course very likable. Her work is a combination of stylish walk up to sheep with lots of footwork and strength to force when needed. It is no surprise to see this ability as she seems to have taken the best traits from each parent. She shows some exceptional ability in the stockyards and is an incredible dog when it comes to backing sheep.
She was mated to Noonbarra Jackaroo (Max's son) for the first time in 2008 and produced excellent puppies. It was an ideal combination of two wonderful dogs. Jackaroo has been giving us superb pups over a number of different females such as Noonbarra Kellie and Noonbarra Meg.
Red & Tan female. Born: 20th August 2001
is a very striking looking red & tan female Kelpie. She has a gentle personality
and is extremely calm and steady. Jessie
is a very special Kelpie for us. She is one of the calmest and nicest
Kelpies we own and her pups are highly sought after. She
is a gentle,
quiet dog who is friendly to strangers and
loves to get a pat and a cuddle but not over-excited and doesn't
jump all over
people. She is very easy to handle and train.
Her dam (Noonbarra Sarah) as many know, is one of the best female workers we have ever bred in our stud. Jessie has some of the good genes from Sarah but she also has some characteristics from her sire Ned too. Ned is a Victorian Kelpie that has won a number of sheepdog trials and is a very friendly outgoing type of dog.
work is a lot like Noonbarra Sarah and others coming up from Noonbarra Wendy.
She shows a lot of style and eye on a few sheep and has a lot of natural working
ability. Very quick footwork and anticipation in the old classic Kelpie style
and excellent concentration.
She has a wonderful nature and is a very kind dog. She has been an outstanding mother for us. She has been mated to Noonbarra Max and to Noonbarra Jackaroo. Her pups are always in demand.
NOONBARRA KELLIE Noonbarra Roy III X Noonbarra Sarah
Black & Tan Female
Noonbarra Kellie is one of the best females we have produced in years. She has an enormous amount of natural working ability. She shows a lot of the special traits of her well-known mother, Noonbarra Sarah. They both work in a similar fashion. Good walk-in strength on stock but combined with a lot of style and class!
Kellie has a good sense of fun and loves to be part of whatever is going on. She's a very outgoing, friendly dog who is also very faithful. She loves to have a cuddle.
Kellie's has had four litters to our top Kelpie sire, Noonbarra Jackaroo and we have had some of our best Kelpies in recent years come from this combination. They have sold all over Australia as well as overseas.
Kellie has plenty of calm power on sheep when it is needed but also shows a nice style and distance to settle sheep down. She is the type to have made a good Arena (3 sheep) Trial dog if trained to it. But she is much more than just a trial dog and a very versatile stockdog, who can work in the yards or paddock and adapt to new situations. She is the type that most farmers want!
Some customer comments from previous litters of Noonbarra Jackaroo X Noonbarra Kellie:
Peggy Sue.
Companion pet for Bonnie in
Bonnie's close friend, Mary, liked Peggy so much, she has since purchased Noonbarra
"As her personality has developed over the past months I have been amazed and
pleased at how she is EXACTLY what you said she would be and I asked for. She
is dependent enough that she never strays far on walks and really enjoys being
around me, but independent enough that she is happy lazing in the sun while I
am away, and not getting distressed when I leave. I really appreciate her love
for cuddles, her intelligence, and her wanting to please.... I am still as in
love with her as when she first arrived. We have begun the Ideal Dogs of
Australia dog training course and she is doing very well, showing up many of
the other dogs who are older. She amazes people at the park with the way she
sprints straight towards me when I call her."
Kellie is one of our best breeding females. If you like the black & tans, then she is a beautiful example.
We are very impressed with her natural working ability. She has all the old style Kelpie traits that are often lost today. Excellent footwork and anticipation, lovely distance and concentration as well as eye, style and steady walk-up. Like her mum, she is steady on sheep but has all the strength in the world.
She is very confident and bold, quite outgoing in her manner and friendly to everyone. She is very easy to handle and teach and the type of dog who likes to be close and get a pat.
Her work is marvellous! She has brought in the best traits of both her parents and right from a little pup would break right out wide on sheep and be very quick to cover any breakaways. She has that old time ability to hold sheep well. She has style and walk up and strength but works in a steady, calm manner. We could not be happier with her ability and her progress.
Noonbarra Kellie as a young pup on sheep
Noonbarra Kora. (Noonbarra Kellie X Noonbarra Jackaroo) Kora is on a sheep station in New Zealand. When she was just 3 months old she was taken to work sheep. We have sold another Noonbarra Kelpie to NZ recently after the customer saw Kora. "I took Kora down to the sheepyards holding paddock to give her a run. I worked the sheep a little to get the fizz out of them then let Kora off her lead. She immediately eyed them and started walking up on them. Each time that they tried to break she covered them and held them. Incredible ability - very strong. I gave her about 3-4 minutes then called her off. I want to keep her keen - not tired. I was rapt with her first run. She is a lovely pup and we are so pleased with her. All the kids ( young adults ) enjoy her too so this is a bonus."
NOONBARRA CHLOE II Noonbarra Max X Noonbarra Amy
Red & Tan Female Born: 27th May 2005
Chloe is a lovely gentle girl.
She is quite a tall female
and has a nicely structured body to work all day. She is very much like her dam, Noonbarra Amy. Chloe has turned into a
very calm, quiet girl and is extremely smart. She shows a strong loyal nature and
likes to curl up with us. Although she often just lays at our feet and is very
calm, when required, she is incredibly fast and agile. On sheep she has a lot of
the old time traits such as style and distance but she also has force when
She is easy to train and likes to please. She has a very high degree of inherited natural ability. Very well behaved as a companion dog and when travelling. Chloe shows good distance and strong natural instinct on sheep. She is easy to train and likes to please. Good in the house and not excitable. She has a faithful nature and gets along with other dogs and animals.
Chloe shows good distance and strong natural instinct on sheep. She can handle almost any situation or stock. Both paddock & yard work. She has been a fantastic mother. She goes back to many of the great Kelpies, such as Phils Creek Sam, Bonorong Rex, Rockybar Smart, Glendon Claude and Liscannor Pace. Most of these are featured in the book: 'Kelpie Legends'.
BARCLAY'S QUEEN Midgbar Moss X Bazzars Hannah
Red & tan Female Born: 3rd August 2006
Queen is an outgoing, tall, dark red & tan female with a wonderful temperament
and personality. Queen is a wonderful dog. She is always
happy and wants nothing more than just to be with you. A very faithful, devoted
type of dog.
She is also extremely agile and fast. Her and Noonbarra Megan would be on par for agility, so pups from Queen (especially combined with Noonbarra Jackaroo) would be worthwhile looking at for things like dog sports. On stock, she has good power and force on the tail end when needed, combined with a good amount of style. She responds well and is quick to learn. She is medium-tall for a female but the combination with Jackaroo will produce more small -medium sizes.
She has plenty of power on sheep but she also has excellent eye and steadiness. She can be very stylish when she works.
She has been mated to Noonbarra Max and twice to Noonbarra Jackaroo. We have been extremely pleased with the puppies from these matings.
goes back to many famous Kelpies including Liscannor Kay and Liscannor Marco
(both featured in the Famous Kelpies book). She also has four crosses of
Avenpart Zondo. Zondo produced Capree Watch and Avenpart Chreema, dam of the
legendary Phils Creek Sam. There's also the great Barambogie Mack and two
crosses of Glenlogie Lucky there.
We expect to breed her again to Noonbarra Jackaroo n the future. The puppies from previous litters have wonderful temperaments and are very friendly happy dogs that like to be with you and like to play. They can be energetic and fun as well as being able to settle down well and be very gentle and calm. They love interaction with people and are gentle with children. We have sold them for hard stock work as well as city pets. They proved to be excellent dogs inside and very devoted to their owners. They respond extremely well to commands and training and have a strong desire to please their owners.
Mary Bilson having a cuddle with Queen
Noonbarra Jackaroo
X Noonbarra Meg II
Red & Tan Female Born: 30th April 2006
This young female has some great Kelpies in her background. Noonbarra Flash, Noonbarra Tim, Noonbarra Max, Capree Cobb, Liscannor Pace and Noonbarra Judy are all strongly represented.
Bindi has very nice movement and has a well proportioned structure. She is a bit taller than her dam and she is very agile and in a similar type to our great old girl, Noonbarra Megan. Bindi often reminds us of the old type of kelpie with the longer body and the light tan on the face that is close to the masked Kelpies of the past.
Bindi is a very friendly, outgoing type of Kelpie and settles down well inside and when out. She is obedient and easy going. Gets on very well with other dogs.
Bindi shows strong natural ability on sheep with quite a bit of style and walk up. She can get distance or come in close, whichever is needed.
NOONBARRA MISTY Noonbarra Max X Noonbarra Amy
Red & tan Female Born: 27th May 2005
Noonbarra Misty is a small, fine female. She is another lovely
daughter of Noonbarra Amy. She is very loyal and
wants to be with you and go everywhere with you. One of the most faithful dogs
we own. She is very quiet natured and
just lies nearby whenever you are doing something and you hardly know she's
there until she comes up for a pat. A very gentle, kind natured dog.
Very good dog travelling in the car and calm and quiet inside the house. Misty is a very intelligent Kelpie. Customers love her gentleness. Misty is a full sister to Noonbarra Chloe II here. She is an excellent dog meeting strangers and loves a pat without jumping all over them. She is very good with children too and we often sell her pups to families with young children that need a very tolerant dog. Even though she always looks very laid back and relaxed, it shouldn't be mistaken for laziness. When required she can be a very fast and agile dog as well and her pups are well suited for many of the dog sports.
She has mated very well to Noonbarra Jackaroo in the past.
A young Misty in back of Ute.
NOONBARRA JENNY II Noonbarra Max X Noonbarra Sarah
Red & tan Female Born: 7th May 2006
is one of our younger females. She has all the wonderful working qualities of her two
parents and shows some absolutely exceptional work on sheep. Very keen and has
good concentration. Good power when needed but also knows how to settle sheep
and get a nice distance.
She is a fine, small build and very fast on her feet.
Beautiful dark coat and face and cat-like feet. She is extremely smart even by
our standards. Concentrates well when working and has a nice amount of eye and
style. Very faithful, like most of our dogs and likes to be with us. Travels
extremely well in a car and is good indoors.
She has been mated to our great old dog, Noonbarra Flash twice and we got some really exceptional working dogs from this mating. They bring in all the versatility of Flash with a little more style from Jenny. Her pups have gone to Switzerland and New Zealand as well as around Australia. We have recently kept Noonbarra Lily II from this breeding (2009).
NOONBARRA BLONDIE Noonbarra Mick II X Noonbarra Megan
Cream Female Born: 15th February 2008
Noonbarra Blondie is a delightful young Kelpie with a great sense of fun and
play. She's always a happy dog with a zest for life. She's good around people
and other dogs and has a gentle type of nature. She's also very pretty
girl but unfortunately had the tip of her ear nipped as a puppy when playing
with other puppies and that now detracts from her looks a little.
Blondie is the only Kelpie we have from our great old Kelpie, Noonbarra Megan.
NOONBARRA EMMA Noonbarra Max X Barclays Queen
Red & tan Female Born: 30th April 2008
is lovely, gentle Kelpie. She's a small, light framed, pretty, young female.
Full sister to Noonbarra Holly. Both are very similar dogs. She's a nice
devoted and affectionate dog who likes to be with you. She is not too needy
though and is fine left on her own as well.
Like Noonbarra Holly, she can be fast and agile when required and her pups would be very suitable for customers interested in dog sports such as Agility Competition. She is a good travelling dog in a vehicle and a lovely house dog. The type of dog that enjoys having a cuddle and being with you without getting too excitable.
She has good inherited natural abilities on the sheep and is happy in yards or open paddock. Like most of our Kelpies, she has no problem in coming in close to the sheep when needed. Like Holly, she is still a young female and is continually learning and gaining experience.
Midgbar Croydyn (Don) X Avenpart Phillapina (A.I.)
Black & tan Female Born: 1st March 2007
Barclays Kate is an outgoing, medium sized black & tan female with a wonderful temperament and personality. She is very faithful, happy, playful and friendly. She has a very loyal nature, travels well in the car, is affectionate and easy to work with.
On stock, she is best in the yards with nice backing skills and a lot of keenness but in the paddock has good power and force on the tail end when needed. She responds well and is quick to learn. She works nice and steady in paddock.
We have mated her a couple of times to Noonbarra Jackaroo with excellent results. The combination of Jackaroo and Kate give us very nice pups with wonderful temperaments, good with kids, versatile workers. Happy, friendly outgoing dogs suitable for family companions, dog sports, yard trials and most farm work.
Not all our Stud Kelpies have been listed here just some that have made a bit of a name for themselves over the years. Many others have won or placed in sheepdog trials.
However many of our good dogs never saw a trial ground but their owners thought very highly of their ability. Noonbarra Boris at Mudgee comes to mind, as does Noonbarra Dan who went to John Parrington. There was Noonbarra Kelly, one of our best forcing bitches, and Noonbarra Bonny who the owner later said "is simply a great bitch" and "a one in a lifetime dog". Then there was Noonbarra Jake who went to Lake Cargellico in 1985, Noonbarra Ram, Noonbarra Tracey, Noonbarra Debby, Noonbarra Toby and dozens of others.
Latest edition of this very popular manual designed for all Kelpie owners of every level from raw beginners through to experienced trainers. This practical manual deals with everything involved in owning and training a Kelpie to ensure he grows up to be a well mannered, obedient dog.
The book is not about training on livestock! It deals with general obedience training, socialising your Kelpie, feeding, crating, toilet training, preventing problem behaviour, dominance issues, car travel, bathing, digging holes, stealing food, walking on a lead, coming when called... and much more.
Over 100 pages.
Information on Kelpie history & the outstanding Kelpies of the past can be found in the newest edition of our book
Softcover 136 pages.