"Thanks for sending
two fantastic dogs, we are already planning on a couple more from you.
Tank & Shiloh
"She's been nothing but perfect. She really is everything you'd want
from a companion / family dog and more!! "
Noonbarra Rose
"Scamper has turned out to be a wonderful dog. She
is super friendly, and pretty much loves all people and other dogs." -
Noonbarra Scamper
"People have often come up and commented on how good he is, but now
people are coming up and asking where I got him from !"
"Tess has a great little nature and wins people over quite
"We were very
impressed how they work but also how calm they were.
Have been working kelpies since 1976 but have
never seen young Kelpies so calm" -
Noonbarra Luke and Noonbarra Jessica
Harry is now 2 1/2 years old
and I feel blessed and very privileged to have him. I love his
playfulness (he has me in stitches when he plays with some of
his food treats) but at night time, he likes nothing more than
to get on my lap and cuddle by the fire. He is so friendly and
doesn’t understand when someone ignores him (he loves
attention); I’m sure he has an over abundance of the cuteness
gene! –
Fiona Baker and Noonbarra Harry
She has settled in really well
both at school and at home despite a number of disruptions such
as moving house and suddenly sharing her home with a pair of
grumpy cats. She has adapted to school life really well
and the kids line up to look after her at recess and lunchtimes.
She loves the beach and to run as you can see in the photos. She
has a great temperament especially with kids and is eager
(sometimes much too eager) to meet kids. Her training is
coming along and generally obeys all commands the first time.
All in all she is a beautiful and happy dog. Thanks again.
Adam Foster with Noonbarra Tara.
More Customer comments
The Noonbarra Kelpie Stud is a small,
family run, Australian Working Kelpie Stud in NSW. Australia. We are
one of the longest established breeders and very well respected,
both in Australia and internationally.
The Noonbarra Stud is fully registered with the Working Kelpie Council of
Australia. (WKC).
Over the past 40 years, Noonbarra Kelpies have become one of the best known and most successful
Kelpie Studs in Australia, despite us only breeding small numbers
compared to many Kelpie Studs. We have always preferred to stay a small Stud
and keep everything hands-on just by our family to ensure we get the
quality we want.
Over many years of breeding
these wonderful dogs, our Noonbarra Kelpies have
been very successful in nearly every field of endeavour, including,
Yard Dog Trials, Obedience competition, commercial mustering wild goats, TV & film work,
Droving work, Frisbee competitions, Therapy dogs, Agility competition, Arena
three sheep dog Trials, Rescue dogs, Cattlework, Flyball, Utility
Sheepdog Trials and more....
We have sold our Australian Working
Kelpies all over Australia including Tasmania, Western Australia and
Northern Territory as well as around
the World to
countries that include Sweden, United States of America, New Zealand, Belgium,
Norway, Hong Kong, Croatia, Japan, Canada, Italy, Switzerland, Russia,
Singapore, Hungary and Germany.
Our family has been associated with
breeding and training Australian Kelpies for over 100 years.
We are 3rd generation family of breeders & trainers. We
are authors of five books on dogs. Stephen also works as a professional
dog trainer and behaviourist on all breeds. We still breed on the
best of the old
Kelpie bloodlines and
all our dogs go strongly back to the renowned Kalari Kelpies and are
direct descendents of the great Kelpies of the 1800's such as Quinn's
Coil, Tully's Moss and Gleeson's Kelpie.
The Noonbarra Kelpies are
renowned for being extremely versatile and have proved
themselves to be exceptional dogs with Cattle, Sheep, Goats, Alpacas
and other livestock on farms and Stations from as little as 2 or 3 acres to
more than 1,000,000 (million) acres!
Our Kelpies have also increasingly
been sold as wonderful companions to families in cities and suburbs
where they have excelled as faithful, loving ... and often a little
spoiled, pets.
Customer Comments
"She is a wonderful dog. I cannot begin to
tell you how happy I am with her. You guys did a great job of picking the
perfect dog for me. - Noonbarra Ruthless .
"Her ability to work, to be in the right place at the right time
has happened so often it is uncanny. To me she is the 'one in a
lifetime' great bitch/dog that one owns."
- Noonbarra
Bonny "Indy is a gem. Best
dog I've ever seen. He picks things up so easily it astounds me and challenges
me to try and teach him more complex tricks and commands ... Things
are still going absolutely fantastic. -
Noonbarra Indy II
"A dog owner couldn't ask for a friendlier little soul to share their life
with - she is a credit to you and the dogs that you are breeding. Thank you
for giving us such a wonderful friend. "
[Noonbarra Frankie in S.A.]
"Tina (III) was one of the few great females I've ever owned. I
used her around the shearing sheds and a lot of shearing
contractors wanted to buy her.". - Noonbarra Tina III
"If someone offered me a million
dollars for her she wouldn't be for sale, I love her very much and I'm pretty
sure the way she looks at me that the feeling is mutual." -
Noonbarra Tally, Victoria Australia.
"Bonnie goes out to pick up the paper when it is delivered 3 times
a week." - Noonbarra Bonnie
"One of the reasons we got Indy was I
wanted a running companion. She is going well and I couldn't
have asked for a more suitable puppy".
Noonbarra Indy III
When I picked him up from your place, you predicted
(Mary) that I would have a “very handsome dog”. Well, he
certainly is that. When I take him for walks, people quite often
stop to tell me what a good looking dog I have got. – In the
evenings, when the work is done, and I am watching TV, he
usually lies down on his mat next to my chair, but sometimes he
comes closer and rests his head on my feet. That’s how I know he
loves me, even if he is distracted by other dogs.
- Rolf Regal with Noonbarra Jaffa.
Just a quick update on
(Noonbarra) Astro. He is doing amazingly!!!
We are so happy with him and just amazed at how well
he has settled in and how quickly he is picking up things.
The crate training is a god-send, he loves his
crate. When he wants time out during the day he climbs in to
have a sleep in the sun and at night he is more then happy to
climb in for bed time, we don’t hear from him till morning when
we stir.
I have
been pleasantly surprised at how quickly she is leaning and how
easy she is to train. She is getting the hang of commands such
as sit and off and knows she needs to sit and wait before being
invited into the house or before eating her food. She has been
doing really well with the down-stay.
Zadow with Noonbarra Jarrah
Noonbarra Kora is still
delighting me daily with her work …. Kora has become a neat
little dog on the heifers and being so quiet …but she stands her
ground and just walks up with great control and style. When
following also likes the odd nip to the heals if they are a bit
slow. -Noonbarra Kora
I’m proud to tell you, that Elmo became European
Champion in women classic category, and qualified to the World
Championship to the USA, - Anna with Noonbarra Elmo
in Hungary (Europe)
Really there’s only one thing to say and that’s
thank you. She is such a lovely little dog…friendly, smart,
keen, easygoing, tough and gorgeous! She’s a really positive
presence in our lives and in the business (hasn’t met a rep or
tradie she didn’t like), is an excellent traveller and also a
great mate to Connie, our older dog. – Catherine and Bruce with Noonbarra Bird
People say that she is a wonderful working dog... In my opinion, Mou is
a little angel, because she think only about making we happy ...
We thank you for ever, for this doggy :) – Susanna with
Noonbarra Mou in Italy
The (sheepdog) trial manager approached me after the Novice
class, and remarked that Lucky seems a good dog. No matter how
frantic things were, Lucky always squared her flanks.
Her cast was wide, and she lifted the sheep with finesse. –
Noonbarra Lucky Star
I have to say she does not have an aggressive or
unhappy hair on her body. You certainly bred a dog with a
fantastic temperament. Life is one big party for her and
she loves me - I love her for both those qualities. -
Noonbarra Cydi.
Customer comments & reports |
Kelpies we have for sale now
We have bred dozens of
Kelpies who have been Sheepdog Trial winners in Arena (paddock -
3 sheep), Utility, Farm and Yard Dog Sheepdog Trials
including the National Australian Open Champion, multi-western
Champions and the NSW State Open Champion.
Over the last 40 years, we have bred and trained thousands of dogs, as
well as teaching others through our training school and private lessons. We have also been involved in TV
and film work with our Kelpies and given numerous exhibitions around
Australia. (see section). We have written a number of books, magazine and newspaper
articles on the Kelpie breed as well as producing a series of Videos &
DVD's. We
have served as directors of the Working Kelpie Council of Australia and
the International Working Kelpie Club.
Kelpies are on the old classic bloodlines. We like the old style dogs. Most are small - medium types with an
athletic look and a good turn of speed when it is needed. They bond
closely and are great mates!
All our Noonbarra Kelpies have been bred
very strongly back
on a direct line to the great station and trial working Kelpie
bloodlines of Kalari. Kelpies from these lines include the famous Liscannor Pace, Rockybar
Buff, Chondo Doll, Liscannor Kay, Le Cliff Jock and Kalari Joker. But the main influence
for Noonbarra has always
been the great Kalari
Basil born in 1959. We have more of his blood in our dogs today than
any other Stud in the country and we are very proud of this achievement. His work,
temperament, calmness, versatility and incredible thinking ability has always been
the benchmark we have bred towards at the Noonbarra Stud.
We are purposely still endeavouring to breed
more towards the old
style of Kelpie which has a lot of holding ability, distance and break out and
allows the stock to settle. These are medium and smaller sized Kelpies that show eye and style and are calmer
dogs on stock. They are also
intelligent, loyal
dogs. We are very proud to say that our Noonbarra Kelpies have maintained many natural inherited traits that are becoming
extremely difficult to find in
a lot of the modern bloodlines today.
We prefer to have Kelpies with a kind and
loving personality, who are good with children and show a high
degree of intelligence, good agility, respond well to training, know
how to settle and enjoy being with their owners. We think this is what is needed
in a top Kelpie today.
Our Noonbarra Kelpies are bred to
be loyal and friendly and that is why so many stockmen buy them as
their work mate. It is also likely to be one of the main factors in
our growing sales to families who want a genuine Working Kelpie as their choice for a
companion dog!
Noonbarra Kelpies for Sale

Stephen & Mary (2002) with top sire: Noonbarra Dusty III and a
big puppy:
Noonbarra Jack V.
Photo by Laurelle Kinsman of Merrynvale Kelpie Stud

Noonbarra Noonie

Noonbarra Blaze II