Noonbarra Austin
customer comments from previous litters of Noonbarra Jackaroo X Noonbarra Kellie:
Noonbarra Phoenix.
West Australia. She is an Agility dog and companion for Emma. Who in July 2009
bought another Noonbarra Kelpie - Noonbarra Jetzen). This was written in 2008....
Went to a friends property on Sat to give her another run on sheep (this was her
third time) and she did really well. These sheep were a little 'wilder' than
those she has seen at Simon's but she worked them really well. I lost track of
how many times I was told 'she is a really good little dog'
This written early 2009: Phoenix was in her first trial last weekend. She
competed in Novice Jumping and did very well with a clear round and 2nd place!
Her time was very good too. The Course time was 49 sec and Nix did it in 26.6
sec and she still has speed in reserve!! Still has the sweetest nature and makes
friends where ever she goes.
She is doing really well and we just love her to bits. The
kids love doing things with her and she is so gentle with them. When I take her
to school she will often have half a dozen or more kids coming up to her at once
all wanting to pat her and she just stands and lets them. You were also very
spot on in her ability to settle. While I was waiting to pay at the wholesaler
last week she lay down next to me with her back to the counter and went to
sleep! It surprised a few people that a Kelpie (a real working one no less)
could be so calm and relaxed. She is also like that on walks. If I stop to chat
to someone she will just lie down and relax until it's time to move on.
Peggy Sue.
Companion pet for Bonnie in
Bonnie's friend, Mary liked Peggy so much, she has since purchased Noonbarra
"As her personality has developed over the past months I have been amazed and
pleased at how she is EXACTLY what you said she would be and I asked for. She
is dependent enough that she never strays far on walks and really enjoys being
around me, but independent enough that she is happy lazing in the sun while I
am away, and not getting distressed when I leave. I really appreciate her love
for cuddles, her intelligence, and her wanting to please.... I am still as in
love with her as when she first arrived. We have begun the Ideal Dogs of
Australia dog training course and she is doing very well, showing up many of
the other dogs who are older. She amazes people at the park with the way she
sprints straight towards me when I call her."
Noonbarra Kora. Kora is on a sheep station in New Zealand. When she was just 3 months old she was taken to work sheep. We have sold another Noonbarra Kelpie to NZ recently after the customer saw Kora. I took Kora down to the sheepyards holding paddock to give her a run. I worked the sheep a little to get the fizz out of them then let Kora off her lead. She immediately eyed them and started walking up on them. Each time that they tried to break she covered them and held them. Incredible ability - very strong. I gave her about 3-4 minutes then called her off. I want to keep her keen - not tired. I was rapt with her first run. She is a lovely pup and we are so pleased with her. All the kids ( young adults ) enjoy her too so this is a bonus.
Noonbarra Phoenix W.A. on sheep
Noonbarra Matilda III: "Everyone absolutely adores Tilly and her nature. She has the run of our little neighbourhood ( 5 houses ) nestled in bushland near the Port Hacking River and always immediately returns home when I whistle. For the first 5 or 6 weeks that I had her, I took her everywhere with me - even to work for my two days a week - whereby she constantly socialised with people and other dogs which, I believe, has greatly helped her wonderful nature now. An example of this relates to Friday night gatherings at the marina. We, around 30 people, congregate to have a drink and a chinwag. I let Tilly run around untethered and she just runs around investigating the surroundings, plays with other dogs and all I need to do is whistle and she will immediately run back to my side to "ask" what I called her back for. Tilly is quite aloof with other adults - meaning that she will let them quickly pat her and will then run off to do her own thing and will not pay any attention to them if they call her. Children, she absolutely adores and will play with them for hours on end. Thank you so much for selecting a pup that suits the lifestyle Tilly is enjoying. I can now understand your selection process in matching pups with owners. Tilly was definitly worth the long wait. She is wonderful."
Noonbarra Jasper III. "He is just beautiful; I cannot thank you enough for sending him over. Every one he meets loves him."
Kirra: She is growing up to be a wonderful dog. So many
people comment on what a lovely and obediant puppy she is... I took her to
Goondiwindi and stayed with the owners of Rockybar. She was in her element and
had her first go at herding chooks and sheep. She did well using instinct and
loved being with the other dogs, who were amazing to watch.
Murphy. This
pup was fantastic on sheep from a very early age.
"Just some more feedback on Murphy. AWESOME. We went to Megan's dads 70th on
the weekend, there were another two male dogs there, 1 a Lab the other a poodle,
quite a bit older than Murphy. He was happy to run and play with the other
k9;s or any of the 10 children that were there. People were commenting on how
relaxed he was .... You have made Megan and I very happy with your choice of
characteristics in a dog and we would just like to say thank you very very much.
Noonbarra Roo. We know Roo well as we had him for a week's training when he was about 6 months old. We thought he was a wonderful dog. "Roo is an absolute delight. He is very smart and so keen to learn. He has passed his Advanced Obedience training so has the letters CD after his name. He is now learning agility – he is very eager and seems to enjoy it immensely. Roo has a lovely temperament. At puppy school, his teacher called him the peacemaker and would pick Roo to play with lots of different puppies because he was so gentle and calm. He has retained those traits as he has grown up. He loves being with us, but is able to amuse himself as well. It’s a delight to come home from work and to be met by Roo with his ‘dolphin’ smile and helicopter tail."