This letter came from one of our customers in the USA who bought Noonbarra Cruiser as a companion dog and lives in an apartment in San Diego.
"Cruiser has been on three hikes and has attended one session of Puppy Kindergarten. Everyone loves her! She is such a smart and well behaved pup.
At night she sleeps in my bedroom with me and does not make a sound all night. On my hikes she wants to herd all the hikers along and makes sure no one lags too far behind.
She has made herself right at home and is very happy. We are having a great time together. She loves playing with all her toys and is doing great with retrieving! Thank you for matching Cruiser and I up, we are both very lucky. - Helen. California USA.
In October 1999, we sent Noonbarra Katie to Evelyn Schisler in Maryland USA. Katie is a lovely little black & tan bitch by Noonbarra Dusty and Noonbarra Wendy. Although Noonbarra Katie is not in the strictest sense a pet, she was sold with an emphasis on being a good companion dog for Evelyn. She will also be working sheep and goats and may later be worked on cattle. We started her on sheep before she left Australia and she was showing some nice eye and style as well as good walk-up strength. She was also beginning to break out on the stock but had that nice calmness that allows the stock to settle. We have since had a couple of nice letters from Evelyn. It is fairly obvious that Katie has found herself a very good home in the USA.
Hi Mary,
Well Katie has finally arrived, she is doing great. When I picked her up she wasn't a bit upset. She is very out going and self assured, she has a lovely disposition. I am sure she will be a great working dog. She is very pretty, she already knows her way around. She is full of energy after being kept up for so long. I will keep in touch with you and let you know how she is doing...
... Hi Mary, Katie is doing great her appetite is good and she is very much at home. She looks great what brand of dog food has she been on. I have had her around the stock and she shows allot of interest in them. I am sure she is going to be a great worker. She likes laying on the couch with you and watch TV she really doesn't miss much that is going on. She has a neat personality. Thanks again, Evelyn
Copper is fine, he is loving has a wonderful personality and just about the most perfect dog in the world as far as I am concerned.
He is very social has his own friends who come to visit and enjoys all my friends and wins them over with his smile and good manners. He is a character when goes down to Manly for walks, he wants everyone to stop and pat him and wonders why some people don't notice him because he is just so beautiful.
New 3rd edition of this very popular manual designed for all Kelpie owners of every level from raw beginners through to experienced trainers. This practical manual deals with everything involved in owning and training a Kelpie to ensure he grows up to be a well mannered, obedient dog.
The book is not about training on livestock! It deals with general obedience training, socialising your Kelpie, feeding, crating, toilet training, preventing problem behaviour, dominance issues, car travel, bathing, digging holes, stealing food, walking on a lead, coming when called... and much more.
Over 100 pages.
Noonbarra Loki was bought by Katie Rollo of Melbourne Victoria as a companion. She drove up and stayed overnight in Parkes. I guess it would be a 1600-1700 km round trip from Melbourne.
I can't tell you how wonderful he has been! He slept almost the entire way home - he seemed to be happiest in the back seat, so I put his pillow back there and that was the last we heard from him!
He has settled in here without so much as a whimper. He sleeps beside our bed and lets us know when he needs to go outside. He is sleeping pretty solidly through the night, which is a good thing because I'm exhausted! We got home after midnight on Saturday; Loki decided that it was time to play, so we didn't get to bed until after two.
I had to work all day yesterday, but took Loki in with me. (I work in a lovely cafe/larder in Richmond which is part owned by Tom's mum and also Stephanie Alexander who is a very famous chef and all-round food expert here in Victoria.) I was working downstairs on administration etc (the restaurant and larder is upstairs) and had Loki in the office with me. He was exceptionally good. The entire staff fell in love with him. He was cooed over and cuddled and played with all day."
Loki is a very self-contained pup. He seems to adapt to new environments with ease. In the cafe yesterday, which incidentally, is noisy and chaotic, he paused for a few minutes, took it all in, had a good poke around and then carried on as though he'd lived there all his life. He is curious and bold and wants to know what everyone is doing. Of course, he is not always calm and sensible! When he's awake, he is just so happy and bouncy. He leaps around the house with toys hanging out of his mouth, sticking his nose into absolutely everything!
Tom and I had such a great time with you both on Saturday. I wish we could have stayed longer! Noonbarra was all that I'd hoped it would be. I talk about "Auntie Mary and Uncle Stephen" with Loki just so he doesn't forget the two wonderful people who took such good care of him early on. I've taken lots of photos already and will send you some when I get them developed.
Sometimes I look at him and he takes my breath away. He is simply so, so beautiful. Everyone comments on what a perfect puppy he is. He really is too good to be true.
I will keep you updated with Loki's amazing progress as it happens. Gee, he is a clever little thing. He is beginning to watch our faces for changes in expression and mood. It won't be long before he is reading our minds.... Katie
It is letters like these from our customers that makes breeding dogs such a satisfying endeavour for us.
Noonbarra Kayla
".... my dad was diagnosed with cancer. He has been bed-ridden for about a month now, and I don't think he would have coped as well without Kayla. Its weird but you can tell that she knows something is up...especially when we first found out and we were all quiet around the house. She wasn't as active as she usually is and didn't mind just sitting on her mat with all of us, especially sitting in next to dads bed. She hasn't jumped on the beds before (actually she is not allowed in any of our bedrooms, and even when we are in there, doesn't walk in past the doorway...), but it was a picture to see when she saw dad for the first time in a few days after his opp (he was in bed).....her whole body started to shake with excitement....and she leaped on the bed and gave dad a big sloppy was quite amusing...and it brought a smile to dads face. "
March 2001
I wish to thank you both for showing such support to we 'Kelpie companions' of the world. Not everyone has the means to have or work sheep and so many breeders look down their noses at we who don't do what they consider the 'proper thing' with our Kelpies ! My Kelpies do not 'pine away' because they are not herding even though we have done it. They, along with, many others are just as happy hiking, running, playing catch with a ball, or even the occasional game of soccer. Yes, SOCCER, my dogs actually developed their own 'style' and play quite a game !!
I know when contacted by perspective owners that I can refer them to you without the fear that they will be treated like idiots for considering a Kelpie as a companion dog. You are special people and I thank you for producing such great dogs !! By the way..congrats on the great 'match making ' between dogs and do you do it !!???!! Mel and the Ears USA
New 3rd edition of this very popular manual designed for all Kelpie owners of every level from raw beginners through to experienced trainers. This practical manual deals with everything involved in owning and training a Kelpie to ensure he grows up to be a well mannered, obedient dog.
The book is not about training on livestock! It deals with general obedience training, socialising your Kelpie, feeding, crating, toilet training, preventing problem behaviour, dominance issues, car travel, bathing, digging holes, stealing food, walking on a lead, coming when called... and much more.
Over 100 pages.
Dear Mary & Stephen, I haven't looked in on your site for quite some months, and when I do I discover its bigger & better than ever! Its far and away the best kelpie site, if not dog site of any kind with all the information that any would-be kelpie owner needs. I don't know where you find the time to do all this work, but I for one appreciate it!
And who does the photos? They are just beautiful....I know its not always easy getting a shot of wriggling puppies...they won't always sit still for a camera! But your pics are so soulful and full of expression ...just great!!!
Anyway, keep up the good work...its so good to see someone promoting the Great Aussie Have-a-go Dog in a positive and sensible manner, and helping to pour water on some of the ridiculous myths & ideas that have sprung up about them.
I've found all of your comments, particularly re temperament to be true with regard to my own two Kelpies.....yes, they love to have something to think about, and they need a firm pack leader, but two more loyal, affectionate and obedient (mostly!) dogs you couldn't find! My dog Spanner positively fawns all over me....which makes my partner sick, but then he's always fussing over him when he thinks I'm not around!
And Chilli, the other one, is too smart for her own good....she actually dobs on Spanner when he does something wrong! - Cheers, Gayle Adams
"Loki is without a doubt the happiest dog I know... I suppose Loki looks like a medium-sized dog now. He is leggy like his Dad. His stomach region is beginning to tuck up now, so he looks very lithe and lean. He is able to keep up with the 'big' dogs at the park, and even outruns some of the faster ones. His speed and coordination is beautiful to watch. His motion is fluid and effortless. He is incredibly good at anticipating change in direction in the dogs he chases - I guess that's all part of the herding instinct. He is the most socially-animated dog I've ever seen! Loves everyone and everything, and expects everyone to love him in return!"
I have just discovered your Web site and had to tell you how impressed I was. Your views on breeding are wonderful and I too agree that the most important thing with placing any animal is that it gets a loving home.
I was looking for a new addition to our home early this year, I had waiting a long time for a dog and I knew what breed I was interested in - Kelpie. My parents live on a property in South Australia and we have always had Kelpies, currently they have a lovely Kelpie named Jessie. She is the most cherished dog you could ever find and has a lovely nature.
From this I knew a bit about the breed and once you have had a Kelpie in your family I do not think it is possible to ever consider any other breed. The only obstacle I found when choosing my Kelpie were other people attitudes. As I have a large back yard with plenty on green grass and a very active life style I never did doubt that a Kelpie was the perfect choice. Yet convincing others of this was something else, at first even my parents were divided about the suitability of the Kelpie to urban living, their views have since changed.
I did contact a few breeders and was surprised to find that they would not sell me a pup, instead giving me the run down on what a Kelpie is bred for and suggestions of a smaller and "more suitable breed for a back yard dog".
.... Although he was underweight, dull coat and nearly two years of age I took him. That was the best decision I have ever made. This is a dog (with a lot of love and care) who has done a turn about form the time I first set eyes on him. His loyalty would see him follow either myself or my partner to the ends of the earth. A dog who is beautifully formed (now that he is eating the correct diet) he has filled out and has a lovely glossy black coat. He is intelligent and gentle and I am sure that he loves his life, he plays outside and when we are home he is inside with us.
He adapted quickly to our lifestyle and I was astonished with how fast he learns. He is a endless ball of energy when we play, he loves the beach, going fishing, in fact he loves anything that we do and he always does everything with us. He also is wonderful inside the house, he is content to lay by my feet at night when I watch TV, or stay in his basket and watch us when we entertain friends. I am glad now that I was shun by the breeders I approached as otherwise I never would have the pleasure of meeting "Blackie" but I am disappointed with them. I am glad that there are breeders like yourselves out there that recognise that the most important thing is that a dog finds the right home not the right job and my message to anyone contemplating a Kelpie as a companion is this - Why settle for anything else but the BEST! - Kelly Fink. South Australia.
"Dear Mary and Stephen, I stopped a couple on the street today in Newtown, Sydney who had a beautiful red and tan pup called (Noonbarra) Jesse.
It was very refreshing to find a breeder who was happy to recommend Kelpies as pets, I have found many other breeders to be pretty cold and not interested in city types who want a working dog as a pet. You obviously have a real love for Kelpies and your dogs and I would feel so much happier buying a dog from people who seem to care about where their dogs end up."
"When I was 16 my boyfriend bought me a red cloud Kelpie, much to the dismay of my parents who had not been consulted. Never the less within a few hours "Oaklie" had endeared herself to everyone and over the years became a much loved member of the family. My two year old sister would curl up to sleep with Oaklie on her dog bed and proclaim to everyone that Oaklie was now her sister and not me. We all found Oaklie to be a wonderful family pet and she was very easy to train."
"So, the point of this email is to let you know that I am looking for a red and tan puppy. Having had a Kelpie before I understand the need for spending the time to train them well. Oaklie seemed to love being trained, it was almost like she needed to know what was expected of her and was so happy when she did the right thing. After owning a Kelpie I couldn't think of having any other breed ....... "
The little girls are doing really well... Tally and Daisy
play non stop Tally loves to play tug a war, she is very gentle and
lets Daisy win all the time. Sometimes I have to lock Daisy in her
crate to let her sleep because Tally keeps pawing her to wake up and
play. Daisy already sits and can stay for a few seconds before we
call her to us, her love for food (almost to Labrador proportions!!)
means she will come to us for a "NICE" biscuit rather
than chase Tally. We have also been starting to do the forced down
and we just wait until she relaxes then we let her go.
Daisy starts at obedience this Sunday, we only have a couple of weeks before it is the Christmas break but that's OK because when it resumes she will go straight into class one. - Anthea. Melbourne Australia
"Here are a couple of pictures of the girls they are so wonderful I can't explain, Tally is (as Stephen predicted) getting better everyday she is so well behaved and such a wonderful member of our family and Daisy is amazing she is constantly learning and a very different dog to Tally, everyone comments on how pretty Daisy is and we love her so much, she is much more responsive than Tally and extremely quick at learning when reprimanded.
"We took them up to Echuca for a trialling workshop and they both had a look at the sheep we really only wanted to let them have a bit of a run around so we did not really listen to too much of the advice, to be honest they were not that interested but everyone was very surprised when we said it was Tally's first look at sheep she must have done OK."
5th Nov 2001 - "I had to laugh. Balto is doing really well at puppy pre-school (of course) - he's even in front of the little border collie pup (not that I'm keeping tabs, mind you). We'd just like a little more work. On Saturday we were told that, as next Saturday is the last day, and "Graduation Day", we should teach our puppy a little trick for the ceremony - something like "shake hands" or "roll over", & we could practise that during the week.
Well, it's Monday morning, & I've already taught him both of those on command. What do we do for the next 5 days?!!! ..... I now have an understanding of what parents of gifted kids go through at school!!!!" Regards, Debbie
My boy is doing very well - enjoying the school holidays and the company (gee, he enjoys human company, it's lovely to see). He's 8 months old now, and people are asking me will he grow any more. He doesn't look big enough yet (He's not quite 16 kg), so I'm wondering when he'll be fully grown. He is such a beautiful-looking dog. Our latest game with him (other than catch, of course) is bubbles. We blow bubbles and he loves to chase them. It's a hoot.
The footie season has started, of course (both our boys play rugby). Definition of frustration: kelpie on a leash at a football game. He so-o-o wants to join in!
Greg and Megan drove all the way up from Thiroul, about south of Sydney. They stayed in Orange and came out next morning and bought their new pup, a lovely black and tan male called Indy (This is the 2nd Indy sold this year). They wanted a good companion dog. We showed them a number of adults work sheep and had a few Noonbarra Kelpies in the house when they arrived. I think they enjoyed their weekend. We received this email after they arrived home.....
"Just wanted to drop you a line and let you know we arrived and with an absolute (I was amazed) minimum of fuss. Indy was fantastic. He slept at Megan's feet for most of the journey and promptly reassured us that his pulse is set at "puppy" as soon as we got home. We had a great romp with his new brothers (cat and whippet) who both accepted him graciously.
He is more than Megan and I could have ever wished for. Maybe I'm guilty of reading too much into things (proud Dad and all) but even now I can see his biddability shinning through. Not to mention his intelligence. He's laying at my feet asleep now and I can't believe how lucky we are that you have allowed us to join your wonderful fraternity (for want of a better word).
Thank you so much for taking the time to go through things with Megan and myself, we both wish we could have stayed longer. We intend to do some EXUBERANT advertising for you and the wonderful kelpie breed, promptly. Thankyou again! Sincerely, Greg, Meg and Indy.
Noonbarra Hunter went to a lady who is a qualified Veterinarian living in Sydney. Hunter is her first Noonbarra Kelpie. He is By Noonbarra Flash X Noonbarra Gabby III.
Hunter is going extremely well. He is experiencing lots of new things and is either excited by them or a little unsure but generally adjusting well.; he has had his first swim (he jumped in after our Labrador and got a bit of a shock when he realised what was going on), first long walk into the local shops and over busy roads to get used to traffic, getting used to being tied up briefly in the back yard etc.
He also sees a lot of other dogs either in the park or our neighbours so is already very well socialised. He has also proven himself to adore children and always goes running up to young toddlers in the park much to their delight. he is very gentle with them and usually just attempts a quick lick.
Likewise he never developed into a bitey pup while playing with people. After following your advice on preventing this, when he plays the worst that happens is a little chew on my hair, otherwise he just licks and snuffles in my ear very affectionately.
He has learnt to sit and walks quite well on a lead and is very calm inside. He plays with our Labrador (Harvey) all day every day according to our neighbours and they are usually taken to the park twice a day to play with the tennis ball so they are really quite spoilt in that way....
Thanks for your ongoing concern and interest, - Julie
Hi Mary and Stephen, thought I'd update you on how Hunter is going.
We just started obedience last weekend which he loved! He is very interested in watching everything that is going on and meeting all the other dogs. At the park near our home he insists on going on the play equipment and often races off to go down the slide without any encouragement at all.. perhaps some agility is what he would be good at.
I'm not sure of Jill has contacted you, but much to my amazement, at the obedience class, I saw a pup that have lovely markings ,very similar to Hunter, went to speak to his owner and was delighted to find out that it was "Lucy", Hunters sister. His owner Jill is lovely and we were both so pleased they have reunited! Lucy is lovely too (but obviously I have just a little favouritism for Hunter) she is quite a bit smaller and lighter in Build even at this age.
I had a similar experience over summer when we were in Melbourne at the beach and saw a pup also with lovely markings and got speaking to her owner only to discover that she too was a Noonbarra pup. Her name was "Daisy". It seems that not only do you produce very striking dogs but the people you sell them to have an uncanny knack of bumping into each other miles away from where the pups originated.
Caddie is going great and growing by the minute. She is a very popular puppy in our area. Attached are a couple of recent pics of Captain Caddie. My vet said Caddie is a credit to you both. Kind regards Kevin Thompson Diamond Beach
Jillaroo went to Switzerland to be trained as a search and rescue dog. She had a great sense of smell and adapted quickly to new surroundings. Her owner, Antoinette, also has another Kelpie called 'Matilda'.
"Jillaroo is such a charming
and powerful creature and she has such open and friendly eyes. I
think she is a real true-blue. My sons and I have become fond of her
at once. Matilda an Jillaroo "talk" kelpie-tongue together and
everything seems to be ok between them. My old Bouvier-bitch Yalou and
my son's Yanca are ignoring her."
Hi Mary and Steve, I thought I'd send you an e-mail of some digital photos we took. I cropped them but I wanted to keep the resolution and quality high to show how handsome he is (proud owner and all).
You'll notice the photo with Indy under the fern. That seems to be his favourite spot. He'll take a toy under there while we're out the back having drinks and watch us quietly while chomping away. Or he'll take a chicken wing over there quite happily. He looks so cute peering out form under there.
We're off to Puppy School on Saturday and I'll let you know how he's coming along there. His sits are pretty much perfect now, even with distractions. His downs are coming along nicely also, although he hasn't fully connected the command with the action, he drops with the aid of a treat every time.
The down-stays are working well too. We had to take our Whippet to get his cast off yesterday, there were a lot of dogs in the waiting room and he got quite excited. After a few down-stays however, he quietened down incredibly. It was amazing. My Mum was totally flabbergasted. We think he is a very well together pup. We keep comparing him to our Jack Russel at a similar age and he is much more calm. He is conscious of not overstepping the mark with our whippet, which we couldn't say for our Jack Russell who was very wound up. We can't complain though, our little Jack Russel makes an incredible play mate for Indy and the two are bonding closely. They love each other to death.
We walked past somebody with a border collie yesterday and I couldn't help but explain to my Mum and Dad how much we owe to the Kelpie as Australians.
Greg, Megan and Indy.
Just wanted to drop you a line and let you know things are coming along perfectly. Indy is a gem. Best dog I've ever seen. He picks things up so easily it astounds me and challenges me to try and teach him more complex tricks and commands.
He plays dead very well now, which wins him a lot of friends. His recalls down the beach are 95% even with distractions, I can pretty much call him off dogs when he's running over to them (frankfurts are just so much more appealing to him than other dogs and people) and his downs out and about are at about 99% even from distance.
Dear Steve and Mary, Thought I'd drop you an e-mail to let you know things are coming along very well. Indy has just gone past 7 months and his training is going very well. I am off food rewards now as I have found a new love of his.. the tennis ball and frisbee.
He absolutely frets over me throwing the ball or frisbee for him so it's a good way to motivate him out on walks or to get him to perfect his downs in situations were he definitely wants to be doing other things (like chasing the frisbee).
We've also conquered his fear of water with a little patience and encouragement. He even jumps over waves now! Quite the difference from a few months ago. He is losing interest in other dogs slowly (although I think he will always be very friendly and social) he looks to me more and more when we're out and about.
Just a quick progress e-mail to let you know things are still going absolutely fantastic. Indy just turned 9 months today and he's going great guns. We've registered at our local dog club (Illawarra Dog Training Club) which to our surprise is quite a large establishment. They have graded classes, run fly-ball training, agility training and have Obedience Trial specific training. I'm going to start towards getting Indy his CD title and see how we go. He just loves to learn so much.
Greg, Megan and Indy.
Bee Jay lives in Michigan USA and is a companion dog. We always appreciate feedback from our customers.
"Hello Mr. and Mrs. Bilson, Bee Jay is doing fine. After our daily exercise he romps around the house for a bit and then settles right down in the living room. He has been toilet trained from the day he arrived. I simply took him out after he ate each time and he learned very quickly when and where he should relieve himself. This puppy winning our hearts was very easy to do. I am impressed with his intelligence. There is absolutely no comparison with any dog I have raised to his independent actions. "
"I understand quite well on what you
were trying to impress upon me on his training. I can't give him one
inch or he will take a mile. He has taught me to be very consistent
with him. I am very pleased with his personality. He thinks that
every one we meet loves him. I took him to the pet shop today. He is
now resting in his crate. Which happens to be larger than the little
one he arrived in. He must weigh at least 50 pounds already. I know
my exercise is not like working sheep but he does get some. I
received the remaining papers from you and thank you for your attempt
to follow up. I was on holiday and missed your call. I will try to
give you updates as time passes. Maybe the next time I contact you by
email I will have a few pictures attached. May God Bless and keep you
These two Kelpies are companion dogs as well as workers for sheep and cattle on a Stud in Germany.
" Last night we had some visitors, the
two boys were lying in their corner right next to them. After an hour
or so I thought people could be a bit more interested in my dogs and
I asked, if they thought if they would have grown a bit - everybody
was surprised then - nobody had noticed that they were even there...
They behave really really well! Mate still thinks the whole world
loves him - and actually - they do! Scott is still calmer and stays a
bit more with me."
My wife, daughter, and I fell in love
with her right away and she has become the best dog (family member)
we have ever had... everyone that she comes in contact with falls in
love with her personality and her looks. They want one of their own.
And we want another as a companion for her.
Jessie is part of the family, she has
her own chair in the lounge room and sleeps in one of our bedrooms
every night! Very loved dog!!! I was intrigued to read about Kelpies
as every way in which you have described them is how we have had to
tackle life with Jessie. She definitely needs to know who the boss
is, not that she is naughty, she isn't! We have family with a
Labrador X Golden Retriever, and believe me, I will never have any
other dog than a Kelpie! Not after watching that dog and it's
behaviour!!! hahahahaaaa .- Mandy G. Poole
Sheena was sold to Japan to compete in Frisbee competition. Her owner Shinji Yasuda already has a champion Frisbee dog. We made sure he got a puppy that was compliant and outgoing and good with people.
"Hi, Sheena is growing well . She is
friendly pup...Now I just play with her using a ball and a mini
frisbee. She is enjoying the play very much . After a few days I will
start 'leader walk' . Yes she is perfect dog for me." Shinji Yasuda
"Thanks for the tips with training we are trying to use them when possible. He travels well in the car once he gets settled he goes to sleep. The kids bring him inside for a couple of hours at night & he makes himself right at home. He had a bit of a run with the cows this morning & seemed like an old pro with them ...."
"Hi, Mary & Stephen, Just a quick update on Nippa. He is doing fine growing at a great rate. Here is the latest pic of him, as you can see he looks a lot like his father, Will keep you updated with his progress as he grows up."
Ian & Robyn Townsend
Steeler was sold as a companion to a family on the south coast. we originally had another puppy picked out for them but we felt she was a bit too bold and a little excitable and this male pup was extremely calm and much easier to handle for novice dog owners. Steeler was by Noonbarra Dan who is a very calm and easy going Kelpie so it is not a surprise his pup was so calm too.
"Hi, Just thought I would drop you a
note to say that Steeler was fantastic in the car and has been great
this week in his new surroundings. The odd cry during the night but
he is so happy and playful it is great. Thank you so much he is
beautiful. I will write again soon."
- Jenelle
"Do you remember me mentioning that I
was worried that Dad had said he didn't want a dog around the house,
and was not going to be supportive? Well that lasted all of 2 hours
when I got Calis home. Now I have to use my 'No!' voice on Dad as
much as Calis, because they regularly wreak havoc with their crazy
games! Mind you, Calis knows when I am serious and want him to settle
down, and he always does so immediately when I ask - he seemed to
know that from the very first day we got home."
"Hunter is growing to look so much like Flash now he is a little older, and like Flash loves to be inside and is very well behaved there. He doesn't come inside for long periods at a time, but enjoys coming in to play with his toys (his favourite is a yellow fluffy chicken) , have a wrestle (he is amazingly gentle and just rolls over the top of us, no chewing/biting or scratching since he was very small or sit quietly on a mat with our other dog."
IMPORTANT NOTE Please note that cross-bred Kelpies, Show Kelpies, Dogs from Pounds, and
Kelpies from other breeders may not behave in the same way as Noonbarra Kelpies.
We have spent many years and a lot of money to get our Stud to the level it is
today. We have had a number of people recently that have liked what they read about
Noonbarra Kelpies but mistakenly thought it applied to the entire breed and even
to cross-bred dogs. Many have bought dogs elsewhere that did not behave the way
they expected and they then got no support from their breeder. There are many
very good breeders in Australia but there are also plenty of bad ones. We can only talk
about how our Noonbarra Kelpies behave in these situations but we are happy to
try and help people who are having problems with dogs that they have bought
somewhere else. We of course give full on-going support to all Noonbarra
New 3rd edition of this very popular manual designed for all Kelpie owners of every level from raw beginners through to experienced trainers. This practical manual deals with everything involved in owning and training a Kelpie to ensure he grows up to be a well mannered, obedient dog.
The book is not about training on livestock! It deals with general obedience training, socialising your Kelpie, feeding, crating, toilet training, preventing problem behaviour, dominance issues, car travel, bathing, digging holes, stealing food, walking on a lead, coming when called... and much more.
Over 100 pages.